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多次获得优秀辅导教师和优秀指挥奖。She is named as Outstanding Tutorship Teacher and Outstanding Impresario.

朋辈心理辅导是一种学校心理健康教育模式。Compeer mental tutorship is a kind of school mental health education model.

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但是,它拒绝了较少的限制性措施的监护和辅导。However, it rejected the less restrictive measures of curatorship and tutorship.

所有咨询及辅导全部通过电子邮件进行,且所有邮件必须用英语进行交流。All consultations and tutorship will be carried out by email and must be written in English.

但如果一些家长来要求我们的帮助,才公平,他们的辅导支付。But if some parents come to ask for our help, it's only fair that they pay for the tutorship.

系统具有标准查询、决策支持与学习辅导等功能。The system has such functions as standard query, decision-making support and study tutorship and so on.

介绍了基于网络的智能辅导系统的设计与实现。This paper introduced the design and realization of the intelligent tutorship system based on internet.

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诗文荐读是图书馆阅读辅导工作的重要内容之一。It is an important part of library reading tutorship work to recommend readers to read poems and articles.

辅导干预后用同样量表进行测试和评定,之后用SPSS10。0对前后测数据进行处理分析。After tutorship test and appraise with same scale, and then use SPSS10. 0 to process and analysis the test data.

本文介绍了对一名大龄轻度智障学生进行诗歌创作辅导的研究。This paper introduces a case study on tutorship of poem creation for an elder student with mild mental retardation.

在森林之神西莱娜斯的辅导下,他掌握了有关自然的所有秘密以及酒的。Under the tutorship of Silennus, the Satyr, he was introduced to all the secrets of nature and the culture of the wine.

走廊上、教师里,同学门都拿着课本在老师的辅导下,认真的早读。The reading begins at 7 o'clock, in corridor and classroom, students all read their books serious in teacher's tutorship.

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我们按每个学生的情况进行个别辅导,根据每个学生的基础进行针对性练习。We will offer an individual tutorship and compulsory exercise after class as per the different condition of every student.

决方案,进行定制的功能开发,应用培训、实施辅导和后续跟踪服务。We also carry out the custom-built function development, application training, tutorship implementation, and follow-up service.

结论应用GI概念辅导老年糖尿病病人有利于饮食结构控制,防治低血糖。Conclusion To apply GI conception as tutorship for senile diabetes is in favor of controling diet structure and prevent hypoglycemia.

目的观察快速、主动团体心理辅导对解除大学生情境危机的效果。Objective To learn the effects of the swift and positive group psychological tutorship to solve the mental crisis of the college students.

对于准备前往英语国家留学的朋友,我可以提供课程预习辅导。So, I can provide tutorship with those who are scheduled to leave for English speaking country to pursue polytechnic, college or university studies.

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教学辅导是远程教育学生支持服务体系中的一个重要组成部分,它的功能完善与否,在网络教育质量保证环节中有着不同寻常的影响。Tutorship is an important part in the service system of long-distance education, whose perfect functions will have unusual effect on the qualities of web-education.

结论带教老师竞聘上岗适应现时代选择人才要求,并提高了护理临床带教水平及教学质量。Conclusion That the tutors compete for tutoring position satisfies the requirement of the contemporary era and improves the quality of tutorship and learning quality.

对于电子类学科而言,建立教学平台可以为高校师生以及从事电子行业的教师提供任意时间、任意地点的远程交互式教学、辅导与测试。So as to the electronics teaching platform, it could provide long-distance alternation teaching, tutorship and examination service for anybody in anytime at anywhere.