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厚墙隔绝嘈杂声。Thick walls deaden noise.

她的脚都冻得麻木了。Her feet were deaden with cold.

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借此来缓和一下饥饿的煎熬。Deaden the gnaw of hunger that way.

我看你需要先打一针止痛针。I'll give you a shot to deaden the pain first.

我看你需要先打一针止痛针。I think you need a shot to deaden the pain first.

我看你需要先打一针止痛。I think you need a shoot to deaden the pain first.

投标委员会还没有确定提交申请的最后期限。The tender committee have not set bidding deaden yet.

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我们可以用厚墙使房间隔音。We can deaden the noise of the room with thick walls.

他们通过注射这种毒素来减轻肌肉控制皱眉头这项行为的能力。They used the toxin to deaden the muscles that control frowning.

为了减轻痛苦,我闭上双眼,故意幻想这是幻象。I had shut my eyes, I confused myself on purpose to deaden the pain.

如果低音部分的线绕琴弦生锈了,这会让低音部分的音调全部丧失。If the bass wire-wound strings are rusted, this can deaden those notes.

神为什么最终要使那些拒绝祂的人瞎了眼,硬了心?Why does God finally blind the eyes and deaden the hearts of those who reject him?

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每当提到据称是受害者的人的姓名时,他们都设法调低电视机的声音。They managed to deaden the sound on TV every time the alleged victim's name was spoken.

窗上钉着某种厚重的旧帏幕,遮掩那些叫喊。Some thick old hangings had been nailed up before the windows to deaden the sound of the shrieks.

希腊一项最新研究显示,经常吸烟者舌头的味觉灵敏度会下降,损害舌头的味觉功能。A new study by Greek scientists confirms cigarettes destroy taste buds and deaden the sense of taste.

难道他的工作不正妨碍了行动的技巧,如此压抑他以致于他在其他任何事情上都不擅长?Doesn't his work preclude skill in action and so deaden him that he has no skill in anything else either?

平时我喝甘菊茶平静身心。晚上出去的话我会喝几杯酒,那样有助于抑制欲望。I drink camomile tea to calm me down and I find a few glasses of wine on a night out can help to deaden the urges a bit.

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而大多数“多动症”的药物是一种麻醉剂,它关闭了你的主观感受,使你对周围发生的一切漠不关心。And anesthetic is when you shut your senses off and deaden yourself to what is happening. And a lot of these drugs are that.

在这样的连珠炮弹轰击下街垒在一刻钟以后就要垮了,必须削弱它的轰击力。Against that grape-shot, they could not hold out a quarter of an hour longer. It was absolutely necessary to deaden the blows.

你希望社区成员面对面地聚集在热闹的社交空间中,而汽车往往会阻止这发生。You want to have the community coming together face-to-face in an active, thriving social space. And the automobile tends to deaden that.