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反而,我们不间断的浏览。Instead, we browse incessantly.

那姑娘不停地又说又笑。The girl chattered incessantly and merrily.

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那名学生又开始叫苦不迭。Then students started to complain incessantly.

光荣实正在纷歧定是财产的附属物。Happiness is not incessantly annexed to wealth.

因此,现今总是不停地再造过去。Thus the present incessantly reinvents the past.

深黯魔像会不间断地嚎叫,但无法进行交流。Gloom golems howl incessantly but do not communicate.

博尔特再一次跑在了最前头。Once again, Bolt clowned incessantly before the race.

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牧民们还是接连不断地来找贡觉活佛。Herdsmen come to see Gongjue living Buddha incessantly.

听你不停的唠叨关于你的小资生活。Listen to your babble incessantly about your little life.

渡船不断地渡到对岸去,每坐一次只化几角钱。Boats cross incessantly and cost only a few cents per ride.

有些寒鸦绕着教堂上的金色十字架不停地盘旋。Jackdaws are incessantly circling round its golden crosses.

机器在白天隆隆地响个不停。The machines roar incessantly during the hours of daylight.

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人声嘈杂,锣鼓不停地大响特响。People shouted, while the drums and . cymbals crashed incessantly.

你在一辈子都必须不断重新开始记得自己。Self-remembering must incessantly recommence throughout your life.

那根背带的棋盘格花纹不停地在他脑子里显现出来。The checkered pattern of that suspender recurred incessantly to his mind.

一条雪白的大粗腿快速不停地、像发疟疾似的抖动着。One white, plump leg was incessantly moving with a rapid, spasmodic twitching.

热情还让你不断了解和学习自己感兴趣的事物。Passion takes you also to read and learn incessantly about what interests you.

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开会的时候,侦探很少开口,只是不停地抽烟斗。The detective rarely spoke during the session but smoked his pipe incessantly.

此起彼伏,而一旦如海啸般袭来的时候再叫苦不迭。Come and go, but as soon as the tsunami hit and then complain incessantly when.

总是不停地把前门灯撞的乒乓响的六月腮金龟就是金龟科的一种。The June bug pinging incessantly off your front porch light is a type of scarab.