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一株野生的甜豌豆攀附而上,倚靠着它。A feral sweet pea clings to it for support.

一只野猪在纽约州的一处临时畜栏里。A feral hog in a holding pen in New York state.

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然而野鸽在颜色和种类上也会变化。However feral pigeons vary in colour and patterns.

“”的设计莱莎法雷尔字节的野性从美国。Designed by Leisha Farrell of Feral Bytes from USA.

一些地区成群的恶狗攻击行人。Insome areas, dogs form feral packs that have attacked people.

我们并不希望你能够点出所有的野性天赋。We don't want you to be able to get all Feral talents and OoC.

实际上呢,雷加的步队也好不到哪儿去……兵士,盗贼和野性德鲁伊。Bctually, Rehgar's team is a warrior, a rogue and a feral druid.

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让狼孩适应人类社会,这是一个比较缓慢的过程。It takes a long time for a feral child to adapt to human society.

中午,大雨过后,野鸽悠然地在平台的一片水漥上洗澡、歇息。Noon, after rain, a few Feral Pigeons take bath in shallow water.

野性的法力值非常有限,汝等有没考虑怎么修正?。Feral Mana Pools are very limited, is there a planned fix for this?

男孩和女孩都困陷在时间里,拥有不老的生命,凶猛得像一群野狗。Boys and girls stuck in time, ageless, feral as a pack of wild dogs.

我从没有想到过,我家的可人的小猫咪会变得这般野性难驯。I have never thought my little lovely cat can become feral like this.

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飓风真的很棒,但是恢复德甚至野德一样有这个技能。Cyclone is awesome, but Resto druids and especially Feral druids have it.

在昆士兰州西部,已经召集军队神枪手射杀野猫。In western Queensland, army marksmen have been called in to shoot feral cats.

Quaritch凝视墙外的森林,露出一个狂野的笑容。Quaritch turns from gazing out at the wall of forest, displaying a feral grin.

但是最后,Stolzenburg说,这个保护区还是受到了野猫的袭击。But eventually, Stolzenburg says, even that sanctuary was invaded by feral cats.

再过一分钟,群众中又爆发出一阵愤怒的吼声。One minute more, and the feral roars of rage were again bursting from the crowd.

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还有人说,成年人说孩子们“野性难驯”、“害群之马”,司空见惯。And adults routinely describe young people as "feral" and "vermin", says another.

天赋的效果将会成为猫德与熊德的基本技能。The Nurturing Instinct talent will be baseline to both Feral and Guardian Druids.

皱褶是用于吓唬敌人的轮状衣领,就像野猫一样。The frill is that ruff-like collar it uses to bluff its enemies, like feral cats.