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那些风中轻飘的飞蓬,是植物界随遇而安的典型。The bitter fleabane in the wind is a typical drifting plant.

霍克说,目前,我们看到房地产的蓬勃发展。Hawk says, current, we see the bitter fleabane break out of estate exhibit.

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蓬蓬的白纱裙如梦似幻,就像童服装搭配的技巧话中的公主。Bitter fleabane bitter fleabane that white gauze is dreamy, like in the fairy tale princess.

目的探讨灯盏细辛注射液治疗急性脑梗死的临床疗效。Objective It is to discuss the clinical curative effect of fleabane injection on acute brain infarction.

女孩们最喜欢的蓬蓬裙为你带来不可思议的甜美感觉。The skirt of bitter fleabane bitter fleabane that girls like most brings mysterious melting sense for you.

由于雨量丰富,因此促进热带性的阿萨姆大叶种茶树蓬勃发育。Because rainfall is rich, because this promotes the A Sa of intertropical sex, Mudaxie is planted Yo of break out of tea tree bitter fleabane.

与蓬蓬裙的随意搭配碰撞出休闲气息,散发出青春的韵律,无限的动感。With bitter fleabane bitter fleabane that skirt of optional collocation collision gives recreational flavor, send out a youth rhythm, the infinite move feeling.

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提示灯盏细辛有改善肾脏微循环,降低血脂,降低蛋白及保护肾功能的作用,且副作用少。The result indicated the fleabane injection can improve the microcirculation of kidney, decrease blood fat and protein, protect kidney function and low side-effect.

其实最初在做网站开发时,这个功能并不被特别看重,后来却发扬光大,发展得蓬蓬勃勃。When doing a website to develop at first actually, this function is not valued particularly, carry forward however later, develop bitter fleabane bitter fleabane is exuberantly.

谁都知道尺寸大的耗费材料多,成本自然而然就会稍微高一点,但是它对推拉蓬价格的影响几乎可以忽略不计,除非是尺寸差距太大的。Who all know size of consuming materials, cost will naturally slightly higher, but it of Jinan push pull bitter fleabane price almost can ignored, unless the size of the gap is too large.