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操纵塘鹅的喙。Engineered the gannet's beak.

鸟有喙和一双小圆珠般而亮晶晶的眼睛。A bird has a beak and two beady eyes.

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这种鸟用嘴作武器。This bird employs its beak as a weapon.

用鸟喙啄了几下就让这条蛇一命呜呼了。This bird employs its beak as a weapon.

一只三角恐龙有三个角和一个鸟嘴。A triceratops had three horns and a beak.

其一度锋利的长喙已变得钝拙弯曲。Its long and once sharp beak becomes bent.

看它的红嘴就可以辨认出是雄的。The male is distinguished by its red beak.

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它们一次最多能叼回29条鱼。They can carry up to 29 fishes in their beak.

只用喙口对着耳垂呼唤,“亲爱的。”"Dear" the dear beak in the dear concha crying.

在一些鸟类,嘴软周边地区发生的。In some birds, soft areas around the beak occur.

从那以后啊,所有的乌鸦都有了一张弯曲的嘴。And ever since then, Raven has had a curved beak.

那就是天鹅星,是它勾画出了天鹅的眼睛或者是鸟喙。That's Albireo, which depicts the Swan's eye or beak.

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我搜遍这个又霉又烂的地方找老鼠,比克。I scavenged this whole moldy musty place for rats, Beak.

面部曲线越深邃越好,最好是像鹰钩。The more curved the face, the better, like an eagle's beak.

幼鸟形似雌鸟,但是喙成黑色。Juveniles fledge looking like females, but with a black beak.

我相信,他用长长的喙刺穿植物迟钝的叶脉。I believe he pierced the slow vegetable veins with his long beak.

把你的茶杯放到鸟嘴下面并定好想要的时间。Place your tea cup under the beak and set it to the desired time.

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请吃吧。鹤说道,把嘴伸进了罐子里。"Please begin, " said the Stork, thrusting her beak into the jug.

小鸟们迫不及待的张开了小嘴,等待着鸟妈妈的喂食。The birdies can't wait to open their beak for their mama's feeding.

修改鸭子的身体和嘴巴的颜色和高光设置。Change the color and highlight setting of the ducky's body and beak.