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我乜知道。I also knew.

看透了,也就心静了。See, also calm.

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也说“黔驴技穷”。Also said "out".

人也一样叫苦呢。And people also.

想想也是。Wanting is also.

当然它们也非常赏心悦目。Also very pretty.

但我也有我的担忧。But I also worry.

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他也会游泳。He can also swim.

我还有一支冲锋枪。I also had a SMG.

同时也在拖延时间。It also buys time.

这个也可以啦!This also can lah!

也舞起剑来。Also a sword dance.

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孩子也可能是热了。Babies also be hot.

飞?很接近了。Flying? Also close.

不但如此,我还时常和她讲话。I also talk to her.

那你也看看这些。Look also at these.

参见第四章。See also Chapter 4.

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胎儿还会撒尿。The baby also pees.

苹果也适宜晒干。They also dry well.

易也知道这点。Yi also knows that.