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他瞄了一眼条棉布衫和破旧西装外套,然后大声说,“一栋楼!He glanced at the gingham dress and homespun suit, then exclaimed, "A building!"

她完全是手工制作的,她有着一张色彩鲜丽的脸孔,穿着条花格棉布裙子,用以遮盖她因“怀胎”而隆起的腹部。She was handmade, with a painted face, and she wore a gingham dress to conceal her baby bulge.

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我选定了厨房的几个地方,同时运用一种带有方格或是条纹格子的棉布装饰在那里。I used a neutral gingham fabric to add a little bit of pattern in selected places around the room.

她的系扣针织外套上布满可爱的条状花纹,看起来既舒适又暖和。Her cable knit coat is lined with a charming gingham patter, which makes it look so comfy and warm.

英国的斜纹呢传统的服装又回来了。花条子布料和格子织物浩浩荡荡的卷土重来。The British return to their heritage roots with tweed, gingham and tartan all making a cool comeback.

红色格子布的缎带缠绕在蝴蝶结上,为这款花环平添一份暖意浓浓的乡村味。Red gingham ribbon twirled and tied in a big bow cooks up a hearth-warming country look for this wreath.

现在,男人们拥有了更大的选择自由,可在白色和法国蓝之外选择彩色格纹和丁香紫之类更为大胆的色调。Men are more free to go far beyond white and French blues into more daring territory like gingham checks and lilac hues.

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那是个天棚很低的大房间,里面排列着发出隆隆声响的机器。There was a large, low-ceiled room, with clacking, rattling machines at which men in white shirt sleeves and blue gingham aprons were working.

有时,安顿她睡下的任务会落在我头上,当我让她舒服地套上粉色条格平布睡衣、躺在一群“泰迪熊”之中时,往往会有一股强烈的嫉妒感。Sometimes the task of settling her falls to me, and often as I put her down amid the teddies , snuggled in a pink gingham sleep suit, I feel a sharp twinge of envy.

是的,有豪华游艇到访,有脚手架和遮阳伞,但是现在的希劳克斯仍在大好时光中沉睡,而且总是在日暮时分。Yes, luxury yachts call by, and there are signs of scaffolding and gingham. But, for now, Syracuse is still sleeping off the glory days, and in a permanent state of dusk.

一个广为流传的故事描述了斯坦福夫妇穿着褪色条纹棉衣和土布西服拜访了哈佛大学的校长。A widely-circulated tale describes Leland and Jane Stanford's supposed visit to Harvard University's president, dressed in a suit of homespun cloth and a faded gingham dress.

认为当时颇为富有的斯坦福夫妇衣着朴素的拜访哈佛大学的观点很有趣,但却不大可能。The thought of Leland and Jane Stanford, by this time quite wealthy, arriving at Harvard in a homespun threadbare suit and faded gingham dress is amusing, but highly inaccurate.