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他从不喜欢莫斯科And he never liked Moscow.

返回莫斯科市的路上大塞车。On the way back to moscow.

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你带不带我去莫斯科?。You get me to Moscow or not?

莫斯科的新年庆祝。New Year celebrations in Moscow.

几时返回莫斯科?And when do you go back to Moscow?

拿破仑的军队进逼莫斯科。Napoleon's army advanced on Moscow.

理查德加尔潘从莫斯科报道。Richard Galpin reports from Moscow.

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雷恩。,我在莫斯科见过你,和比尔卡伯特一起。I met you in Moscow with Bill Cabot.

丰度在1956年莫斯科的商店。Abundance in the Moscow shops of 1956.

今天他收听到莫斯科电台的广播。He picked up Moscow on his radio today.

普京副手索比亚宁接任莫斯科市长。Sobyanin confirmed as new Moscow mayor.

莫斯科能够使危机的余火重新烧旺。Moscow could stoke the embers of crisis.

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四国在莫斯科宣言10月30号。Four-Power Declaration at Moscow Oct. 30.

他乘了北京至莫斯科的火车。He took the train from Beijing to Moscow.

莫斯科还指望“历史健忘症”能够起作用。Moscow also counts on historical amnesia.

莫斯科是个新的纽约城,你不知道吗?Moscow is the new New York, don't you know?

1956年,莫斯科一座犹太人会堂。In a Moscow synagogue, 1956, Yakov Berliner.

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莫斯科麦德龙是全球最好的!Moscow Metro is the best in the whole world!

孩子们在伏尔加河上旅行。Children travelling to Moscow on Volga river.

政变密谋者试图夺取莫斯科的政权。Coup plotters tried to seize power in Moscow.