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创新不仅仅只是设计出更多的时髦产品。Innovation is about more than designing snazzy products.

开襟毛衣一件时髦的毛衣可以立即打亮整套造型。Cardigan A snazzy sweater instantly dresses up any outfit.

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当你像唐老鸭那样有钱时,一身时髦的套装并不在你要做的要紧事。When you're Scrooge McDuck rich, a snazzy ensemble isn't tops on your to-do.

各大商家大量炮制一些华而不实的物品来吸引消费者的目光。Companies churn out snazzy designed products to attract the attention of the customers.

这个站点面向艺术家和其他创意专业人士来寻找时髦的在线简历。This site is geared towards artists and other creative professionals looking for a snazzy online resume.

妳很适合在鞋上做文章。妳最爱的鞋子的风格是那种露出脚趾的凉鞋,它能将妳时髦的趾环展示出来。Shoes R You, and one of your favorite shoe styles is the open-toed sandal in order to display your snazzy toe rings.

创新不仅仅只是设计出更多的时髦产品,它还应包括如何令客户更满意,为客户提供更好的服务等方面。Innovation is about more than designing snazzy products. It's also about improving customer experiences and services.

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虽然这款游艇的建造工程尚未开始,但在WHY的官方网站上却已推出了一段华丽的宣传视频——展示其木制比例模型。Although work is yet to begin on the WHY its website does boast a snazzy promotional video – featuring a scale wooden model.

在统治中心里你能设置所有应用的推送,同样也包括天气和股票的最新动态。In Notification Center you can set up notifications for any app that supports it as well as include snazzy weather and stock widgets.

在我们生活的时代里,许多国际性大公司可以在一夜之间出现、发展和垮台,这导因于遍布世界的时髦的网络主页。We live in a world in which "international companies" can emerge, grow or fail overnight, thanks to a snazzy home page on the World Wide Web.

今天,当年腾出来的地块形成了新的商业区,一座座时髦的高塔如雨后春笋般从老厂房的废墟上拔地而起。Mr Piramal cut staff and moved out. Today the land he freed forms a new business district, where snazzy towers sprout from the ruins of old factories.

一段由伯克利加州大学善科学中心制作的新演讲视频展示了该中心对人的权利意识导致的意外后果的相关研究。A snazzy new video from the folks at U. C. Berkeley s Greater Good ScienceCenter gives a brief overview of their research on the unexpected consequencesof feeling powerful.

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现在,每个都电脑的人在他们陈述时都用同样的傻乎乎的剪贴画,配合同样的艺术北京,同样的字体,同样的幻灯片切换。Now, every person with a computer uses the same goofy clips in their presentations, along with the same artful backgrounds, the same fonts, the same snazzy transitions between slides.

湖人队建立了一个最后的射击为神户但时髦块后,从后特科格鲁和官员会议上多少时间留下,奥兰多魔术队最后一次机会了0.6的时钟。The Lakers set up a final shot for Kobe but after a snazzy block from behind by Turkoglu and an officials conference on how much time was left, Orlando had one last chance with 0.6 on the clock.

作为节目中最时尚的老爸,演员陆毅耍帅当然很在行,我们常常能在节目中看到他一身潇洒打扮,搭配时髦配饰,还跟女儿穿“父女装”。As one of the most stylish fathers in the show, actor Lu Yi certainly knows how to look sharp. We often see him wearing chic clothes, snazzy accessories and matching outfits with his daughter Bei'r.