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来自德国的迪克设计的漂亮的排字印刷地图。Beautiful typographic map designed by Dirk Sch??chter from Germany.

这种假币使用了雕刻制版和凹印技术。The notes are printed using the intaglio and typographic printing processes.

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平面设计和字体学在中国目前的情况如何?What is the current state of graphic design and typographic experimentation in China?

从文字排版上便可以很容易区分设计师是否是一个新手或是老岛。An understanding of typographic etiquette separates the master designers from the novices.

在本帖里,我们将与你分享15幅创新且漂亮的字体设计作品。In this post we will be sharing with you 15 creative and beautify pieces of typographic design.

显然上述的几点对网页设计很重要,但是色彩对于网页也是不可或缺的重要因素。Obviously grid systems, typographic scales and font choices are very important, but so is color.

很少有人讨论在句末后应该放置一个或是二个空格的问题。Very few typographic debates match the intensity of whether there should be one or two spaces after a sentence.

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而在互联网上进行排版设计时我们需要考虑到一些全新的挑战和限制。Handling these typographic details on the Web brings new challenges and restrictions that need to be considered.

缺少了通常印刷工具的效果,这些产品上的电子书变成了单调的大段文字。Shorn of the usual typographic tools, e-books on these devices have turned into monotonous blocks of characters.

他说,一本书的封面可以加照片,加插图,加图标,纯文字或者更有创意的东西。A book’s cover design can be photographic, illustrative, iconic, typographic or something more conceptual, he says.

下面便是一些非常漂亮的字体设计与马赛克肖像,一定会让你灵感泉涌。Here is the stunning collection of some very beautiful typographic and mosaic portraits which will surely inspire you.

总的来说,设计师投入更多精力在排版的细节方面,如主次关系,行高和字体的选择。Overall, designers are paying closer attention to typographic details such as leading, line height and choice of font.

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以活版铅印和石印为主要方式的近代化印刷体系已经开始建立。The modern printing system has been established with typographic printing and lithographic printing as the main methods.

因为浏览器所提供的排版控制比较有限,等距调整文字会让文字块之间有太多的间隙。Because the Web allows for less typographic control, justified type usually creates rivers and big gaps in blocks of text.

也许你可以花一个月来做一些复古的设计,而其他时候则着手设计印刷海报。Maybe for one month you can try to design something retro. For another month, you can try your hand at some typographic posters.

它正确地匹配了不同类型的引用、标识了文档节并添加了字符级别的排版标记。References of several types are properly matched up, document sections are identified, character-level typographic markup is added.

设计一个印刷体标志意味着要结合企业形象的本质和公司的使命,而这些只能通过字体传达。Designing a typographic logo means combining the essence ofcorporateidentity and the company's mission statement which have tobecommunicated through type only.

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在排版布局和信息参考老拳击海报和报纸广告的层次结构,由仿古纸和丝网印刷的真实纹理匹配。The typographic layout and hierarchy of messaging reference old boxing posters and newspaper ads, matched by the authentic textures of antiqued paper and screen printing.

毕升饱偿了侮辱与歧视,仍无钱刻印,于是决定自己刻板印书,大胆首创了活字印刷术。Bi Sheng full countervail affront and discrimination, still engrave without money imprint, him decision is then inflexible imprint book, bold initiate letter is typographic.

根据传统排版图书,每行文字的最佳字符数是55-75,但是事实上,每行75-85个字符更流行。According to classic typographic books, the optimal number of characters per line is between 55 and 75, but between 75 and 85 characters per line is more popular in practice.