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当然,我说“诊所”。Of course, I said "Clinique."

二十世纪六十年代,她命名了现在流行的品牌“倩碧”。She came up with the name of its popular Clinique brand during the 1960s.

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高堤耶洗面乳和倩碧磨砂膏对男性而言仍是最主要的。Jean Paul Gaultier Monsieur and Clinique Skin Supplies for Men remain key players.

“诊所式法律课程”是加强实践教学的一种新的教育模式。"Clinique Legal Courses" is a new educational mode to reinforce practical teaching.

倩碧也许是靠它的三部曲产品出名的,但它同样也是色彩方面的高手。Clinique may be well known for their 3-step thing but they're also a dab-hand at colour.

多数去私人诊所求医,大多向朋友、同学求助。Most of them saw a doctor in private clinique and asked their friends or classmates for help.

倩碧根据用户的肤质开发了全套的温和去角质产品,从极度干性到极度油性都适合。Clinique offer a whole range of gentle exfoliators depending on your skin type, from very dry to very oily.

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而是应该运用我们的“临床判断”来权衡利弊,将这类信息作为所有现有资料的一部分。It does mean that we must use our sense clinique inweighing such reports as a part of all the available data.

中医诊所里,两位面瘫患者用电吹风自我进行热疗。In a Chinese medicine clinique two patients who suffer from prosopoplegia are using hair dryers to cure themselves.

好,什么品牌防晒好,物理防晒品牌,倩碧防晒粉底液,带防晒的隔离霜05-27·防。Well, what brand of sunscreen, physical sunscreen brand, Clinique liquid foundation, with a sunscreen cream 05-27 anti.

倩碧最新科技,运用延长青春时期的原理,研制了这款有明显抗衰老功效的每日可用的面霜。Leveraging Sirtuin technology, Clinique science uses youth-extending agents to create a daily moisturizer with visible effects.

倩碧由此诞生,如今已经成为化妆品市场最具规模的护肤及化妆品牌之一,在全球135个国家设有分店。Clinique was launched and is now one of the biggest skin care and cosmetics brands on the market, with stores in 135 different countries.

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二十世纪六十年代,她命名了现在流行的品牌“倩碧”。就在最近,她还担任着公司高级副总裁。She came up with the name of its popular Clinique brand during the 1960s. Most recently, she held the title of senior corporate vice president.

加快提高防护UVA和UVB紫外线,嘴唇,鼻子,耳垂,甚至是伤痕及老化、灼烧等娇弱易损伤的区域及眼睛区域的皮肤。Clinique steps up protection against the aging and burning effects of UVA and UVB rays for fragile areas-eye-area skin, lips, nose, earlobes , even scars.

我用倩碧抗敏舒缓洁面乳洁面,然后使用靴子七号保护完善血清和水母细胞复活日霜。I cleanse with Clinique Redness Solutions Soothing Cleanser and then apply Boots No7 Protect and Perfect Serum and Aurelia Cell Revitalise Day Moisturiser.

雅诗兰黛已经与索尼合作打造40集的数字电视幽默剧,于去年12月开拍,里面穿插如倩碧等其他品牌的化妆品。Estee Lauder has teamed up with Sony to produce a 40-episode digital sitcom that began in December and includes product placements for Clinique cosmetics and other products.

在评估和治疗的背景下会产生更多的信息,这时精神病专家的临床判断就可以剔除那些相对不具因果关系病因。As more information emerges in the context of evaluation andtreatment, the psychiatrist's sense clinique begins to winnowless likely causal factors in the patient's condition.

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倩碧皮肤科医生开拓的无油肌肤饮料,能够舒服您的面颊,令T区部位保湿水油均衡。The oil-free moisture drink developed by Clinique dermatologists to maintain optimal moisture balance for skins comfortable in the cheeks but oily in the T-zone or oily all over.

本人保证提供的身体健康调查表如实填写,没有隐瞒重大病史和过敏史,供雷曼纳健康医疗中心确定是否适合接受羊胎素抗衰老治疗。I guarantee to provide the facts in the medical questionnaire without any concealment of serious diseases or allergies to apply for the treatment of revitalization in Health Center Clinique Lémana.