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因此女人任由她生理的摆布。So the woman was at the mercy of her physiology.

植物生物技术育种及逆境生理。Plant bio-technology breeding and adversity physiology.

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成年人在呼气是,有关生理变化是?。Adult is in expiratory be, is concerned physiology change?

萨尔斯顿爵士于2002年获得诺贝尔生理学或医学奖。He won the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine in 2002.

本综述将着重讨论破骨细胞的生理。This review will focus on the physiology of the osteoclast.

他因生理学方面的建树而被授予诺贝尔奖。He was awarded the Nobel Prize for achievements in physiology.

他因生理学方面的成就而被授予诺贝尔奖。He was awarded the Nobel Prize for achievements in physiology.

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然而对人体生理学的深入探索仍难以实现。Yet profound exploration of human physiology remained elusive.

声乐艺术与人体生理学和心理学是密不可分的。Vocal music is closely related to human physiology and psychology.

这是西方生理学传入中国之嚆矢。This is the beginning of the west physiology transmitting to China.

而肠内营养更符合人体生理特性。Further more, enteral nutrition more accord with peoples physiology.

奥利弗·史密斯是2007年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖得主。Oliver Smithies won the Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine in 2007.

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体格检查和运动生理测查。Physical. examination and some tests of child's motion and physiology.

生理学或药学方面做出重要发现以及在文学上有杰出贡献的人。physiology or medicine and 'the most outstanding works' in literature.

霍夫曼荣获2011年度诺贝尔心理学/医学奖。Hoffmann the winners of the 2011 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.

规划教材生理学,人民卫生出版社,2000。Guyton AC, Hall JE. 2000. Text book of medical physiology. 10th edition.

我想补充的是过去我对生物学和生理学很感兴趣。I would just add that I was deeply interested in biology and physiology.

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在茶汤中可与咖啡因结合而缓和咖啡因对人体的生理作用。Caffeine in tea in combination with ease of caffeine on human physiology.

对有关植物涝害生理研究进展进行了综述。In this paper, the advance of plant waterlogging physiology was reviewed.

这里展示了,一些细胞生理学的要点There's a couple of features of cellular physiology which are shown here.