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当人们说起朱巴是首都城市的时候,我感到很自豪。I feel proud when someone says that Juba is the capital city.

所有报告的病例都集中在苏丹南部的耶伊和朱巴镇。All reported cases are concentrated in Yei and Juba towns of southern Sudan.

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由于朱巴召开历史性的会议,前敌人们微笑着坐在了一起。Former enemies were smiling together as a historic conference opened in Juba.

他在南苏丹首都朱巴的一个罗马天主教堂的讲道坛上发表的讲话。He was speaking from the pulpit in a Roman Catholic church in the southern capital Juba.

他们多数为门诺教徒,受活动在索马里南部朱巴河的传教士影响而信仰基督教。Most were Mennonites, evangelised by missionaries on the Juba river in southern Somalia.

在对南苏丹的短暂访问期间,克林顿星期五将在南苏丹首都朱巴会晤南苏丹总统基尔。Clinton is meeting Friday with South Sudan President Salva Kiir in Juba during the brief visit.

南苏丹是苏丹南部10个州的统称,朱巴是其政治中心。Southern Sudan which composed of 10 regions is a state in Sudan, and Juba is the political center.

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南苏丹政府一位部长在他朱巴的部长大楼中被射杀。A minister in the government of Southern Sudan has been shot dead inside his ministry building in Juba.

为了让人们参加公投和保证安全,朱巴的所有商店都关门歇业。In order for people to participate in the referendum and ensure safety, all the shops in Juba are closed.

在游泳池边吃小吃,辛苦工作一整天,在尼罗河里洗衣服。这些就是朱巴人的生活场景。Snacking by poolside. Putting in a hard day's work. Washing clothes in the Nile. These are the faces of Juba.

七月九日,成千上万的群众聚集在朱巴,庆祝新国家——南苏丹的诞生。On July 9, tens of thousands gathered in Juba to celebrate the birth of the world's newest nation, South Sudan.

拉姆塞尔位于湖泊州,地理上相当于全国正中心,距离朱巴数百公里。Ramsar lakes in the state, geographically equivalent to the center of the country, hundreds of kilometers from Juba.

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2011年8月9日,中国外交部长杨洁篪在朱巴会晤了南苏丹总统基尔。On August 9, 2011, Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi met with South Sudanese President Salva Kiir Mayardit in Juba.

但是最具经营头脑的观察家认为,这些计划又如空中楼阁,又如政府办公楼里摆放的一些朱巴摩天大厦的模型。But most business-minded observers think such plans fanciful, like the models of Juba skyscrapers in government offices.

在耶伊城的传播似乎逐渐减弱,但预期今后一些天在朱巴城将暴发霍乱。While transmission seems to be declining in Yei town, the outbreak in Juba town is expected to increase in the coming days.

还有几个小时的时间,南苏丹就将成为独立的国家,首都朱巴仍在进行最后的准备工作。With a few hours to go before south Sudan becomes an independent state, final preparations are underway in the capital Juba.

Michael的父亲在苏丹人民战争中去世,所以他现在跟着伯父生活,从而可以上一间较好的学校。Michael's father died during Sudan's civil war, and he now lives in Juba with his uncle so that he can attend a better school.

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这个17岁的男孩是朱巴日校名列前茅的学生之一,但他却仍然受到学费问题的困扰。The 17-year-old is one of the top students at Juba Day School in Juba, Southern Sudan, but he is struggling to pay his school fees.

与当地人的收入相比,朱巴是世界上生意启动成本第二高的城市,仅次于民主刚果的金沙萨。Relative to local incomes, Juba is the second most expensive city in the world in which to start a business, after Congo’s Kinshasa.

2011年8月8日,中国外交部长杨洁篪在喀土穆与苏丹外长卡尔提举行了会谈。On August 9, 2011, visiting Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi held talks with his South Sudanese counterpart Deng Alor Kol in Juba.