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砂岩通常都与页岩互层。Sandstones are, as a rule, interbedded with shales.

对于储库水溶建腔速度、成腔形状与运营期的腔体蠕变具有重要影响。The character of interbedded mudstone affect the safety and running of Jintan gas storage.

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盐岩层序主要发育盐岩以及盐岩夹深湖泥岩为主。Salt rock sequence is characterized by salt rack and salt rock interbedded with mudstones of deep lake.

此三维综合建模的方法比较适合砂泥薄互层的预测。This method of three-dimensional integrated modeling is suitable for thin interbedded sand-mud projections.

针对薄互层储层结构难以识别的问题进行了研究。The problem that it is difficult to identify the structure of thin interbedded reservoir is studied in the paper.

我国东北区的龙瓜沟群和鸡西群中部,由含有侏罗纪化石的海相与非海相岩层组成。The Longzhaogou and middle Jixi Groups Consist of interbedded marine and nonmarine layered rocks with Jurassic faunas.

薄层、薄互层厚度的预测是储层横向预测的一个重要环节。The thickness prediction of thin layer or thin interbedded strata is an important part of lateral reservoir prediction.

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滩坝砂岩由于单层厚度小,与泥岩呈互层分布,利用常规地震资料难以分辨。As the beach bar sandstone was thin and was interbedded with mudstone, it was hard to identify from normal seismic data.

热事件沉积产物见于下震旦统莲沱组,夹于河流相沉积的砂岩及粉砂岩中。Hot event deposits occurred in Liantuo Formation of Lower Sinian, interbedded in fluvial facies sandstones and siltstones.

江苏油田低渗薄互层油藏层间矛盾日趋严重,层多、跨距大、物性差异大。Interlayer interference for low permeability thin interbedded reservoirs is becoming more and more serious in JS Oilfield.

对储层层间非均质性研究,往往停留在仅仅依靠取心井分析资料而建立的概念模型上。The study of reservoir interbedded heterogeneity has always stayed on the concept model settled only on the core well analysis data.

以层间交通模式为例对系统进行仿真,结果证明了该方法的可行性及有效性。The simulation is performed under the pattern of interbedded traffic, and the results show that the method is feasible and effective.

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对该地层所夹变质火山岩的形成环境,本文亦进行了讨论。In the paper, the authors also have a discussion on the environment of forming the interbedded metamorphic volcanic rock in the strata.

汪清县东北部中生代火山断陷盆地火山岩中夹一套含煤碎屑岩地层。The Mesozoic volcanic rocks are interbedded with a series of coal-bearing clastics in the faulted basin in the northeastern part of Wangqing County.

二阶效应泛指在产生了层间位移和挠曲变形的结构构件中由轴向压力引起的附加内力。Second-order effect is referred to the additional internal force of the structural members and bars that have interbedded displacement and deflection.

在水南段野外露头的观察描述中也发现干裂、雨痕等浅水暴露标志的沉积构造与暗色泥岩互层。Marks of shallow water exposure such as desiccation crack and rain print are also found interbedded with dark mudstone in observation of Shuinan outcrop.

但由于藻灰岩厚度薄,且与多种岩性互层沉积,加之藻灰岩本身具有多样性,导致了该类储层识别难度的加大和评价精度的降低。But algal limestone is thin in thickness, interbedded sedimentary rocks, and diversity in lithologies, so it is rather difficult to identify and evaluate.

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叙述软硬互层状岩体中的裂隙发育规律,并由此建立了互层状岩体渗流的离散裂隙网络模型。The article describes the regulation of the joint in the soft and hard interbedded rock, establishes a discrete joint network model of the interbedded rocks.

特殊的切削齿布置增加钻头的稳定性,XL设计在夹层中钻进可获得长寿命。Asymmetrical blade layout and curved blades are combined to increase bit stability. XL bits are designed for longer life in tough or interbedded applications.

低抗压强度的软到中等地层,如中软页岩。中软石灰岩。中软砂岩。和软硬研磨性夹层的中等地层。Low compressive strength of soft to medium formations. Such as soft shale, soft limestone, soft sandstone, hard and soft abrasive interbedded medium formation.