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这使人们很难相信乔伊的放弃理论。This makes Joy's relinquishment argument hard to swallow.

无疑地它必须放下悭吝、执著与贪心。Certainly it involves relinquishment of stinginess, clinging and greed.

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“我认为技术放弃是一种很糟糕的想法,主要出于三个方面的考虑,”库兹韦尔说。“I think relinquishment is a bad idea for three reasons, ” says Kurzweil.

放下我们生来就有的就是我们的目的。That relinquishment of all we had been born with was what were to aim for.

宣誓要独身和放弃个人的全部财产几乎算不上什么牺牲。A vow of celibacy and the relinquishment of all personal assets hardly seemed a sacrifice.

我们反对的是暴力剥削,我们反对的是婴儿交易,我们反对的是被迫送走孩子。We are against exploitation, against the sale of babies, and against forced relinquishment.

这个例子与今天是有关的,因为我们正看到了撤消另一个技术的要求。This example is relevant today, because we are beginning to see calls for relinquishment of another technology.

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人生就是一对矛盾,因为天既令我们抓紧人生的多种赐予,同时它又要我们到头来把这些赐予放弃.。Life is a paradox, it enjoins us to cling to its many gifts even while it ordains their eventual relinquishment.

生活是矛盾的,它在规定放弃的同时,也阻止了我们对一些美好事物的追求。For life is a paradox, it enjoins us to cling to its many gifts even while it ordains their eventual relinquishment.

精神的旅程是在为害怕和接受爱之间的不清楚做让渡。The spiritual journey is the relinquishment , or unlearning of fear and the acceptance of love back into our hearts.

重担与惧怕的交托,始于对神的敬慕和崇拜佔据心灵的那一刻。Relinquishment of burdens and fears begins where adoration and worship of God become the occupation of the soul. ----Frances J. Roberts.

互联网的历史只是政府放弃控制,将权力下放给个人与组织的诸多实例之一。The story of the Internet is one of piecewise relinquishment of government control and empowerment of private individuals and organizations.

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奉献者理解所有权利的如此的作罢包括强制的所有权利的作罢在工作的那些版权。Dedicator understands that such relinquishment of all rights includes the relinquishment of all rights to enforce those copyrights in the Work.

也就是说,许可证所颁发的合同区面积只适用于合同初始期,在进入下一个合同期前必须将一部分面积退还。Licenses are usually granted on the basis of an initial term with specific provisions for the timing and amount of relinquishment prior to entering the next phase of the contract.

张五常先生把使用权当作决定资产所有制性质的根据,认为国家应当无偿地放弃工商企业的资产所有权,推断中国会走向资本主义道路,这是对中国所有制改革目标的莫大的误解。It is a gross misunderstanding for Mr. Zhang Wuchang to infer the transfer of the right of use as the relinquishment of state proprietorship without payment and thus heading for capitalism.