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德布西是细致又喧闹的吗?Is Debussy both subtle and blatant?

所谓“不知怎么”的话,顺便说一句,其实是句明白的谎话。The somehow bit, by the way, is a blatant lie.

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随你喜欢怎么去说,但这仍然公然的盲目崇拜。Call it what you like, but it was blatant idolatry.

谁能不相信这样一个正直的人?I cannot believe that so blatant a comedy can hoodwink anybody.

公然地利我的“计划安排“也许会怀疑此人是否可信任。Blatant self-serving agendas may cast doubt on one's trustworthiness.

鲜明的物质化是陈风旭作品的突出特征。Blatant materialism is the predominant feature of Chen Fengxu's works.

因此,我认为这就像我曾从林登•杰克逊那里听到的那样,都是无耻的谎言。So I think that's as blatant a lie as we ever heard from Lyndon Johnson.

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母亲,穿过了一道纷杂喧嚣的生活迷雾,给了我们幸福的生活。Mother, through a dizzying blatant life fog, gave us the happiness of life.

从公然的种族不公正的表现中能够找到很多不合理的支持。There is a perverse comfort many get from displays of blatant racial injustice.

谈到大众谣言,没有比预算数字更令震恐的。When it comes to blatant lies there are none more egregious than budget figures.

但是德国民众仍然瞠目结舌于他最后行为的明目张胆与玩世不恭。But the German public was still shocked by the blatant cynicism of his final act.

当然咯,还要软的好,明目张胆的发链接,你会死翘翘的。Of course slightly, but also a good soft, blatant fat link, you will be dead in the.

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广告标准管理局控告房地产代理商使用无耻的谎言。The Advertising Standards Authority accused estate agents of using blatant untruths.

艾森豪威尔出生在19世纪,成长在白宫权利大盛的年代。And finally, Ike was a 19th-century man, raised in an era of blatant white supremacy.

浪漫之所以让人心驰神往,就是因为远离了日常的喧嚣。Romance lets popular feeling gallop be charmed , because was far from, be daily blatant.

可悲的是,如此明显的宣传只能使苏联坦克车组的胜利大打折扣。Sadly, such blatant propaganda simply discredited the true victory of the Soviet tankers.

其中的一些只是现有网站的可耻滴克隆体,另外一些则有自己的独到之处。Some were just blatant clones of the existing web sites, some where unique and different.

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强迫每一位美国人接受健康保险公然违反了宪法。Forcing every American to obtain health insurance is a blatant violationof the Constitution.

我想不出这样一个好写手怎么能够以如此浮躁的方式来轻视一个正规的初创。I don’t see how such a fine writer could slight any valid startup in such a blatant fashion.

而指出此类大肆捏造事实行为的记者会被叫到酒店走廊处做思想作。Journalists who point out such blatant massaging of facts are harangued in the hotel corridors.