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语音质量有了巨大提升。The sound quality is vastly imp roved.

不过,学校却是变了大样。The school, though, is vastly improved.

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我认为这种恐慌渲染太过了。I think these fears are vastly overblown.

这会导致抓地力大大降低。This leads to vastly reduced levels of grip.

我们大量的吸取了巴比伦的智慧。We have imbibed the wisdom of Babylon vastly.

你太过高估了自己的说服力。You vastly overrate your powers of persuasion.

浩浩荡荡,驶向穿鼻。Drive onto to dress a nose vastly and mightily.

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群发短信功能也将大加改善。Group messaging is also going to be vastly improved.

她人后的本相与人前的形象大为不同。Her private and public selves were vastly different.

在一条河里,我有了三次极不相同的体验。In one river, I had three vastly different experiences.

奥巴马父母的身世截然不同。Obama’s parents came from vastly different backgrounds.

很不一样。特别是天气。Oh, well, it's vastly different, now. Very different weather.

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但是,这样想会极大地低估该语言。Such thinking would vastly underestimate the language, however.

穆里尼奥的胜负场次比率要远远高于贝尼特斯。Mourinho's win-lose ratio is vastly superior to that of Benitez.

从现在的投篮标准来看,这还远远不够。He also happens to be vastly undersized by today's wing standards.

而且Kodu很这次集会列表上的任何别的东西都有很大的不同。Kodu is also vastly different from anything else on the Camp's list.

因此,我们的思想比我们的行为更有重要性。Therefore, our thoughts are of vastly more importance than our acts.

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这使得应用程序本身更容易写入和维护。This makes the application itself vastly easier to write and maintain.

一个叫威廉·黑尔的美国人,在1846年组装了一枚经过大大改进的火箭。An American, William Hale , assembled a vastly improved rocket in 1846.

最近这些天,火箭的部分球迷大大高估了麦迪的价值。Some of the Rocket fans are vastly overrating T-Mac's value these days.