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局将对蜡像馆征收附加税。The taxman will levy surtax on the waxworks.

税务局将对蜡像馆征收附加税。The taxman will levy surtax on the waxworks.

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立法机关通过了一项废除附加税的法令。The legislature passed a law to abolish the surtax.

车辆购置税是由车辆购置附加费转化而来。The vehicle purchase tax is derived from vehicle purchase surtax.

我国现行的个人所得税采用的是超额累进税率制。Our current individual income tax rate is based on the surtax system.

为了对蜡像馆征收附加税,税务稽查员费尽了力气。The taxman taxed his strength in order to levy surtax on the waxworks.

显示计算加拿大联邦附加税的临界薪资和税率。Display the wage threshold and rates for calculating Canadian federal surtax.

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外商投资企业暂不征收城建税和教育附加。The foreign-invested enterprise is exempted from construction tax and education surtax.

附加税会把战争花费分摊到很多年里,税率逐渐上升。A surtax would spread this cost over multiple years, and the rate could be applied progressively.

林顿·约翰逊迫使国会增收越战附加税,导致战争债务上升,“伟大社会”计划失控。Lyndon Johnson had Congress levy a Vietnam War surtax lest the growing debt from the war and the Great Society get out of hand.

1968年,林登·约翰逊总统姗姗来迟,请求征税以支付越南战争的开销,国会两党表决支持了一项附加税。In 1968, a bipartisan congressional vote also supported a surtax when President Lyndon Johnson belatedly asked for taxes to pay for the war in Vietnam.

在前清末年,杂税从未超过正税的十二分之一,而在蒋介石的鼎盛时代,杂税竟高达正税的十倍!In the days of the decadent Manchus , the surtax had never exceeded one-twelfth of the land tax, yet in the days of Chiang's prosperity it was ten times!

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该法案还可能对经济造成损害,促使银行缩减放贷,以便归还之前获得的救助资金,让员工不用缴这笔附加税。The bill could also hurt the economy, encouraging banks to cut back on lending, so they can return their bailout money and protect employees from the surtax.

北京政府为对付地方势力的截留而命令海关征收附加税的做法则使安格联陷入更大困境。However, the Beijing Government threw Aglen into greater difficulties by ordering the Customs to levy the Surtax in fear of the robbery of Surtax proceeds by local warlords.

期待改以财务所得计算之未分配盈馀加徵制度可以减缓原采课税所得计算所造成之不利现象。We expect the calculation basis of Additional 10 Surtax on Undistributed Retained Earnings based on the financial income will be able to slow down the disadvantage phenomenon.

地方各级人民政府按照国务院的规定,在城乡征收教育事业费附加,主要用于实施义务教育。In accordance with the provisions of the State Council, the local people's governments at various levels shall levy a surtax for education, which shall be used mainly for compulsory education.