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即便是受伤也要实事求是。Be truthful even if it hurts.

但是我必须实话实说,主持公正。But I have to be truthful and fair.

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我是珞尔希安,最真实的故事家。I am Lorethian, the most truthful storyteller.

我认为你并没全讲真话。I don't think you are being entirely truthful.

我用真心交流净化我的言语。With Truthful Communication, I purify my speech.

你打算对我讲真话吗?D o you intend to be completely truthful with me?

我们所说和所写都真实准确。Be truthful and accurate in what we say and write.

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自传常常没有传记真实。Autobiography is often less truthful than biography.

“一个健康的社会需要真实的声音,”他说。“A healthy society needs truthful voices, ” he said.

洪帆生活中是一位感性、真挚的艺术家。In daily life Hong Fan is a sensual and truthful artist.

与媒体接触须真诚及随和。Always be truthful and forthcoming when dealing with the media.

坦诚以待。切忌急于说出“正确”的东西,要诚实。Be truthful. Don't rush to simply say the right thing, be honest.

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我们还会协助你准备好面签材料。And help you prepare truthful and correct answers to the questions.

面对困阻时,径直放弃更为容易,而坚持不懈,那需要力量。It takes strength to be truthful when alie would be more convenient.

有关单位和个人应当如实提供证据。The units and individuals concerned shall provide truthful evidence.

奶奶真的是真真实实的吗?真正地真实?‘。Are you really being truthful, Grandmamma? Really and truly truthful?

男人只有在承认自己是骗子的时候才最真实。A man is never more truthful than when he acknowledges himself a liar.

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小家伙一贯很诚实,可他特别想再要一只气球。The youngster was always truthful , but he wanted another balloon badly.

老实说,我说的”健康”是指乐观,不可救药的乐观!When I say "health" I mean optimism, to be truthful. Incurably optimistic!

另外他还有一些理趣诗、咏史诗等。He also wrote a number of poems that illustrated truthful ideas and history.