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它是否有一件枕头轻便短大衣?Does it have a pillow topper?

上澄,让我在这里下车就可以了。You can let me out here, Topper.

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上澄把他车停在了它们旁边。Topper pulled the rig up beside them.

马克最宝贵的东西是狗,托珀。Mark's most valuable possession is his dog, Topper.

依偎在了我们的床垫礼帽娇生惯养的支持。Snuggle down in cosseted support on our Mattress Topper.

你会在”礼物”发现最完美的“圣诞礼物”。You'll find the perfect stocking stuffer or stuffing topper at The Gift.

很少人在小河饮水时,会停一停,想想河的源流在哪里。Few men, drinking at a rivulet , stopped to consider its source. --- Topper.

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几分钟之内,你便能做出一个漂亮而多彩的三层蛋糕,当然这个蛋糕还带有一个有趣的有装饰性的大礼帽。In minutes, you can create a bright and colorful 3-tier cupcake stand with a fun decorative topper.

这位波多黎各著名歌星上周发布了这个大新闻,说明婴儿是通过代孕母亲得到的。The Puerto Rican chart- topper revealed his big news last week, explaining the babies were born to a surrogate mother.

金佰利奥维茨的耸人听闻的黑山羊毛皮背心是触觉奖杯礼帽,将给予每看市中心豪华。Kimberly Ovitz's sensational black goat fur gilet is a tactile trophy topper that will lend every look downtown deluxe.

这个高人一等的,色彩斑斓的帽子绝对不输威廉王子和凯特的婚礼上出现的那些别出心裁的帽子。This tall, multi-color topper would have fit in perfectly among the other elaborate hats that made an appearance at Prince William and Kate Middleton's wedding.

该吊杆的损坏是由于该轮船员在将吊杆放低时因操作不慎而造成千斤索越过棘轮,缠绕在千斤索绞车卷筒轴上。The damage of the derrick was due to the careless handling of the ship's crew in lowering the derrick, causing the topper to override the ratchet wheel and foul onto the topping winch drum shaft.