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天井做了一个阳光房!Patio made a sun room!

注意你庭院里的家具防火。Fireproof your patio furniture.

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他们每天在院子里洗漱。Al dia, ellos se asean en el patio.

没一会儿又把客厅通阳台的门打开了。Then he opened the door to the patio.

托里霍斯让面包车在我们的平台前停下来。Torrijos stopped his van in front of our patio.

果树,庭院面积大,是属于核桃学区。Fruit trees, large patio area, Walnut school dist.

在后院盖顶凉棚四周砖墙。Covered patio in backyard surrounded by block walls.

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坐在户外家具用品上小憩,直至被踢。Relax in the patio furniture until you get kicked out.

良好的后院侧观山,盖顶凉棚。Nice back yard with side view of hills and patio cover.

雨点把排气管敲得叮当作响,露台顶棚上砰砰砰砰,响个不停。They plink on the vent pipe and plunk on the patio roof.

因此,我们用石子代替绿草覆盖草坪。So we turfed the lawn and replaced it with a stone patio.

上层的窗户通向阳台,围墙围着一方有栏杆的天井。All around the walls was a terraced patio with a balustrade.

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酒店拥有一个二十年代风格的酒吧、休息室和室外露台。It features a 1920's-style bar, a lounge and an outdoor patio.

说着,她站起身朝露台门口走去。Just like that, she stood up and walked toward the patio gate.

没一会儿又把客厅通阳台的门打开了。Patio tables are great way to maximize use of a any patio or porch.

我们的庭落伸延至我们家的前院,但他们拥有整个地平线那般广阔的原野。Our patio reaches to the front yard and they have the whole horizon.

古窨子屋堂内有干天井和湿天井。Sub-cellar housing the ancient halls are dry and wet courtyard patio.

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面向公园,三五成群一起野餐,或者在自家天井里,不亦乐乎呀。Head to the park for a picnic, eat on the patio at home or restaurants.

美丽的庭院设计和成熟的果树,西米棕榈树和后院露台。Beautiful landscaped with mature fruit trees, sago palms and rear patio.

美丽的后院,包括遮阳棚提供给家人相聚使用。Nice back yard and covered patio allows for quality family time at home.