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用气焊割掉30“隔水管。Weld on the 30"bottom flange."

拆卸底部法兰盖。Remove the bottom flange cover.

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底部安装,固定关闭,带轮缘。Side mount, Fix Closeing, With flange.

底部安装,固定关闭,带轮缘。Bottom mount, Fix Closeing, With flange.

拆卸车轴护罩,清洁凸缘并重新密封。Remove cover and clean flange and reseal.

侧放,固定关闭,无轮缘。Side mount, Fix Closeing, Without flange.

侧放,自动关闭,不带轮缘。Side mount, self closing, without flange.

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焊接隔水管顶法兰。Weld on the conductor braiding head flange.

阀体与连接法兰的密封为体盖密封。The body and flange are airproofed by shell.

采用螺纹或法兰毛细管联接。Using thread or flange capillary connection.

法兰式安装,特殊要求可定制。Flange mounting. It can be designed on request.

备有地脚安装和法兰安装形式。It has feet arrangement and flange arrangement.

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底部放置,自动关闭,带缘边及夹钳。Bottom mount, self closing, with flange and clamp.

锻件、法兰月产量平均为200余吨。Forging, flange monthly average of more than 200 tons.

特别是多用带法兰盘阀门的行业。In particular, multi-purpose valve with flange industry.

这个旋转对称便于安装。The rotationally symmetrical flange facilitates mounting.

垫圈的空穴应该面向临近法兰的外面。The gasket cavity should face out to the adjoining flange.

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允许套管法兰回到它的初始位置。Allow the sleeve flange to return to its original position.

法兰内孔管件内孔必须倒角焊接。Flange hole inside the tube must be chamfered hole welding.

模铸进的衬垫被整体固定在阀体的法兰密封处。Molded-in lr fully supported by valve body at flange seals.