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幽门螺杆菌的感染通常是长期存在的。H. pylori infection is often longstanding.

这种思想斗争广泛存在This is a longstanding conflict in our thinking.

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我们很高兴能解开这个长期存在的谜团。We are pleased to have resolved this longstanding puzzle.

中宇是我们长期和具有高度价值的商业合作伙伴。Joyou is one of our longstanding and highly valued business partners.

另一个悬而未决的谜团是为什么水星上有磁场。Yet another longstanding mystery is why Mercury has a magnetic field.

和平区有着悠久的金融优势。Heping District has longstanding advantages in the financial industry.

对于“大”政府的可取性历久不衰的争论还在继续。Longstanding quarrels over the desirability of “big” government continued.

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在这里我想指出,几内亚是中国的传统友好国家。I want to point out here that Guinea and China have longstanding friendship.

制裁可能并不会让一直追求“核大国”梦想的伊朗真正罢手。Sanctions may not end Iran’s longstanding attempt to attain nuclear proficiency.

这个新的系统树与长久以来关于鸟类和哺乳类起源的争议有联系。The new tree bears on a longstanding dispute about the rise of birds and mammals.

这是光明会吸纳当红艺人的计划的一小部分。This is part of the Illuminati's longstanding plan to recruit popular performers.

中国长期奉行不干涉的对外政策,利比亚已经成为对这一政策的一个重大挑战。Libya has been a major test for China's longstanding foreign policy of nonintervention.

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鉴于我们长期的贸易关系,特报此盘。It is in views of our longstanding business relationship that we make you such an offer.

这个系统能否对长期神经损伤患者起作用,目前还是未知数。Whether such a system would work for patients with longstanding nerve damage is unknown.

我希望这次中国之行标志著我们之间长期稳定的业务合作的开始。I hope your trip to China will mark the beginning of longstanding cooperation between us.

相反,帝国则把歧视非人类种族当作一项长期国策。The Empire, in contrast, has made discrimination against non-humans a longstanding policy.

你在这个周期会有机会俚清很多长期存在的课题并去解决他。You will have opportunities to pinpoint and resolve many longstanding issues during this cycle.

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奥巴马在获得超级代表支持的人数上消除了克林顿长期以来领先的优势。Obama has now wiped out Clinton's longstanding lead in the number of superdelegate committments.

本公司秉承互惠互利、长期合作、共同发展的宗旨。Our company maintains the objective of mutual profit longstanding cooperation and co-development.

如果数据量的剧增能对统计学中长期遗留的问题进行放大,那同样就能开辟出一片新的前沿阵地。If the data explosion magnifies longstanding issues in statistics, it also opens up new frontiers.