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但素有这些这都是一种浮夸的盛装游行。But it is all a grandiose pageant.

任何盛会都会有点宣传成分。There’s a bit of propaganda in any pageant.

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下一座奖杯可能来自一位选美大赛冠军吗?Could the next trophy be from a beauty pageant?

官方媒体也有关于这次选美的报道。Official media had also reported on the pageant.

你认为选美比赛对社会有利吗?Do you think beauty pageant contests benefit society?

你我的盛会蔓延到天际。The great pageant of thee and me has overspread the sky.

你我组成的伟丽的行列,布满了天空。The great pageant of thee and me has overspread the sky.

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约迪和萨伍娜应该举行个优雅女士盛宴。Jodie and Shauna should settle this in a Miss Elegant pageant.

我当然知道一整天在电视机旁看选美比赛Of course I understand that spending all day watching a beauty pageant

在这个变化的城市里,老年人凝视着好像无情的露天表演。On this transforming city, old people gazed as if at some heartless pageant.

他梦见自己到了天堂,亲眼目睹了所有小天使参加的一个盛大庆典活动。He was in Heaven, and was witnessing a grand pageant of all the little child angels.

可是,选美比赛也可以像体育比赛一样激励观众。However, like a sporting contest, a beauty pageant can also be used to inspire its viewers.

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正是在两种因素的共同作用下,才最终催生出奥林匹克这样的体育盛事。It gave birth to this kind of sports pageant for the co-effect of the two factors ultimately.

妇女们聚在一起进行小比赛或是举行游行盛会,肚皮舞都会经常上演。Women got together for a little contest or pageant. Belly Dance has been performed there too.

但就在那个夜晚的前几月,选美赛受到不体面争论的伤害。But in the months leading to that night, the pageant has been slapped with unseemly controversy.

柯蒂斯闻名于内布拉斯加州的是复活节,由于40年的复活节游行传统。Curtis is known as Nebraska's Easter City due to its famed 40-year-old Easter Pageant tradition.

去年,约翰城的露天表演者们决定要更尊重史实。Last year, the pageant producers in Johnson City, Texas, decided to be more historically precise.

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如果案件拖得太久,圣安东尼奥选美团将不派代表参加7月份于德州举行的选美大赛。If all this drags on too long, San Antonio might not send anyone to the Miss Texas pageant in July.

选美赛的参赛者在摸特儿训练公司进行猫步训练。The beauty pageant contestant having their catwalk training at Dazzle Concepts, the modelling company.

我从来没期望自己可以参加同性恋丽人的选美比赛,更不用说我期望一年后会发生什么。I never expected to enter a lesbian beauty pageant. What happened in the year after I expected even less.