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三分之一的庄稼须依赖昆虫授粉。One-third of food crops rely on insect pollination.

这减少出现自花授粉的可能性。This eliminates the possibility of self- pollination.

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授粉后6天开始出现双受精作用。Fertilization started at the 6th days after pollination.

但现在,我们需要一支集团化的传粉大军才能完成授粉任务。Now you need to bring in an army to get pollination done.

花粉抵珠心前,于授粉滴发芽与伸长。Pollen contacting the pollination drop was rapidly taken in.

但稻作东传也不能排除其偶然性因素。It seems that pollination also involves certain chance factors.

这给熊蜂授粉的推广带来困难。This brings difficulty to the promotion of bumblebee pollination.

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而以授粉后12天左右的甜瓜果实中可抢救的胚的数量较高。The ratio of salvageable embryo was superior 12 days after pollination.

最重要的是,蝙蝠是授粉和传播种子的主要媒介。Most crucially, bats are major agents of pollination and seed dispersal.

目的探讨桔梗授粉特性。Objective To evaluate the pollination characteristic on Chinese bellflower.

单花序开放后2~3天内是人工授粉的最佳时期。Optimal time for hand pollination was within 2 to 3 days after flower opening.

授粉是机械地把花药里的花粉传送到柱头上去。Pollination is the mechanical transfer of pollen from the anthers to the stigmas.

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极抗病的杂交品种,从开花到成熟约为35-37天。Strong disease resistant Variety, maturity is about 35-37 days after pollination.

过程被称为“孢子”,这不同于花粉的授粉。The process is called "sporulation, " which is different from pollen's pollination.

尽管在后台默默地工作着,美国的野蜂却在帮助做授粉的烦琐工作。Working quietly behind the scenes, America’s wild bees help with pollination chores.

当花粉成熟时,花粉粒从花粉囊中释放出来进行受精。Then the mature pollen is released from the dehiscesd anther, and pollination occurs.

人工授粉和杂交亲本树矮化等实用技术。The control pollination and dwarfism of parent trees were also described in the paper.

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在传粉与受精的间隔期间,他们毁坏了雌球花。They damage female strobili during the interval between pollination and fertilization.

大约三分之一的美国农产品依靠蜜蜂授粉。An estimated one-third of American agricultural products depend on honeybee pollination.

授粉后8天,多数杂交原胚的细胞开始解体。The degeneration of proembryo in crossing appeared in most cases 8 days after pollination.