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他们满身泥污且并未携带武器。They were bedraggled and unarmed.

她淋着雨回来使她显得蓬头垢面。She was bedraggled when she came in out of the rain.

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小淘气们由于恶作剧而弄得脏乎乎的。The little wretches were all bedraggled from some roguery.

她跌落河中后把全身弄得又湿又脏又冷。She was all cold and bedraggled after falling into the river.

网络跑车真正的便利就这样被荒废了。The advantage with network true racing bike such by bedraggled.

同情乔治亚被打爆的第一步兵旅。还有第二。跟他不幸的海军。Pity Georgia's bedraggled first infantry brigade. And its second. And its hapless navy.

它让无数青少年茶饭不思,荒废正常的学业。It lets countless adolescent have no appetite for food, bedraggled and normal school work.

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我的样子一定狼狈不堪,因为老板二话不说,立马给了我两杯免费的杜松子酒。I must have looked bedraggled because the owner promptly gave me two free glasses of schnapps.

格林斯基说,两名男子走近他,其中一位是衣衫不整的波兰军官,另一位是衣冠楚楚的英国人。Glinski says two men approached him, one a bedraggled Polish officer, the other a dapper Englishman.

一个满身泥泞的,倒霉催的黑影,穿着怪异,淋得比一只洗衣机里的水獭还要湿。A poor bedraggled figure, strangely attired, wetter than an otter in a washing machine, and hitching.

这一天,他得知一间荒废已久的工作室内竟传来父亲的讯息。This day, he is informed bedraggled the message that father transmits unexpectedly inside long already atelier.

这样不仅荒废自己的青春和学业,而且给自己带来了严重的精神肉体痛苦。Such not only bedraggled oneself youth and school work, and it is painful to brought serious mental body to oneself.

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一开始,李尔顿以为这只朝他在北约克夏史基普顿家中飞来、脏兮兮的小鸟迷了路。At first, Dino Reardon thought the bedraggled bird running towards him at his home in Skipton, North Yorkshire, was a stray.

你知道,仅仅只是面色苍白,紧张的学生用来熬夜或者疲惫的在病床上挣扎的病人喝。You know, more than just the hallmark of the pale, nervous student pulling an allnighter or the exhausted bedraggled parent.

1982年,一艘载满外星人的飞船在南非的约翰内斯堡降落了,人们为他们去了外号“虾米”。In 1982, a massive star ship bearing a bedraggled alien population, nicknamed "The Prawns, " appeared over Johannesburg, South Africa.

全国各地的报纸都刊登过一辆雪铁龙汽车的照片,那辆车由四匹全身泥污的马拖到了一个经销商那里。Newspapers across the country published pictures of one of its cars being towed to a dealer by four bedraggled horses. The car's owner, a Mr.

或许是当你浑身脏兮兮的刚坐完5个时区的飞机之后,一位快乐的出租车司机告诉你你看起来感觉真的很棒。Perhaps the jovial taxi driver who told you that you were looking really gorgeous when you were feeling bedraggled after a five time zone flight.

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他们通常4、5岁,脏兮兮的站在道路转弯处,用压扁了的绿色雪碧瓶子当信号旗,当道路通畅后,左右挥舞告诉司机通行。Often as young as 4 or 5, they stand bedraggled at the bends, using flattened green Sprite bottles as flags, waving the drivers through when the way is clear.

他不敢去她家,因为从她姐姐的反应看,她爸妈肯定也看不上他这副脏兮兮的样子。He hadn't dared approach her house though, because, judging by her sister's reaction, he was sure her parents would not take kindly to his bedraggled appearance.

在这个一分钟的视频中,邋遢并哽咽的默里感谢了他的朋友和支持者,并说自己因为遭到死亡威胁而一直无法查邮件和回电话。In the one- minute video, a bedraggled and teary-eyed Murray thanked his friends and supporters and said he has been unable to check his email or return phone calls due to death threats.