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敌人袭击了我们的运货马车队。The enemy attacked our waggon train.

这名士兵也跟随大车走过去了。And he too passed on with the waggon.

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我们把干草叉上大车。We pitchforked the hay into the waggon.

我们乘坐农场的货车进城。We rode in the farm waggon to the town.

你最好和货车一起在这儿等着。You'd better stay here with your waggon.

亚伯拉罕后来在货车上睡着了。Abraham finally went to sleep on the waggon.

她车上挂的那个灯笼已经灭了。The lantern hanging at her waggon had gone out.

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那个衣不蔽体的人拉着一货车破布碎片。The ragged ma fantastic drags a waggon of rag fragments.

有人从最前面的一辆大车里跳下来,大声叫嚷。Someone jumped out from the foremost waggon and cried aloud.

当马车继续前进的时候,加布里埃尔也离开了他窥探的地点。When the waggon had passed on, Gabriel withdrew from his point of espial.

当天傍晚,我们看见那辆空车又走到了出事的地点。The evening of the same day saw the empty waggon reach again the spot of the accident.

苔丝睡着以后,他们已经向前走了很长一段路,现在马车停了下来。They were a long way further on than when she had lost consciousness, and the waggon had stopped.

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他把那匹小马套上拉蜂箱的马车,代替了王子的位置,往卡斯特桥方向驶往了。He was harnessed to the waggon of beehives in the place of Prince, and the load taken on towards Casterbridge.

那辆摇摇摆晃的小马车已经装好了,苔丝把那匹名叫王子的马牵了出来,同那辆马车比起来,它摇摆的程度也好不了多少。The rickety little waggon was already laden, and the girl led out the horse Prince, only a degree less rickety than the vehicle.

通常,我们使用两行灌溉沟渠,在这两行之间,允许一辆一米的收割小车通过。Usually we use double- rows with a spacing between those double- rows of a about a metre to allow passing through with a harvest waggon.

士兵们的目光都投射到妇人们身上,当这辆大车一步一步地驶过时,士兵们评论的内容只是和这两个妇人有关的话。The eyes of all the soldiers were turned upon the women, and, while the waggon moved by, a step at a time, all the soldiers' remarks related to the two women.

过了很多天,狮子掉进了猎人的陷阱,猎人们想活抓它并把它献给国王,于是便把它捆在树上,寻找小车去了。Some time after the Lion was caught in a trap, and the hunters who desired to carry him alive to the King, tied him to a tree while they went in search of a waggon to carry him on.