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假如我们没有大气压力。If we did not have atmospheric pressure.

大气物理学和气象学是复杂的。Atmospheric physics and meteorology are complex.

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首先,这里有大气压。And first of all, there's just atmospheric pressure.

用来显示负大气压的测量器。A gauge for indicating negative atmospheric pressure.

当大气中的甲烷凝结就形成了雾。And, when atmospheric methane condenses, it makes fog.

气压计被用来测量大气压力。A barometer is used for measuring atmospheric pressure.

大气物理学是出了名的坑爹!Atmospheric physics is, of course, notoriously complex.

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女人五十岁是牡丹,大气张扬。The woman is fifty years old, atmospheric self-publicity.

我国大气污染属于煤烟型污染。Atmospheric pollution in our country belongs to coal fume.

酸雨——大气中沉积的酸性物质。Acid Rain----The atmospheric deposition of acidic substance.

这些运动创建一个大气压力的差异。These movements create a difference in atmospheric pressure.

DCR和DTS大气稳定度的影响是非线性的。Effect of atmospheric stability on DCR and DTS was nonlinear.

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气压表表明气压在继续下降。The barometer marked a continuing fall in atmospheric pressure.

大气折光是限制EDM测高精度的主要因素。This main effect on height survey EDM is atmospheric refraction.

当供应压力等于大气压力时,空气进口必需处于全开位置。Air inlet must be fully open when supply pressure is atmospheric.

不利气象条件下H2S的扩散浓度范围。When the atmospheric condition is bad, forecast the range of H2S.

显示大气压力变化的简单装置。A simple instrument for indicating changes in atmospheric pressure.

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大气中的氮被转变成含氮物质。The conversion of atmospheric nitrogen into nitrogenous substances.

我们知道如何让飞机进入大气层并以高超音速飞行。We know how to insert the aircraft into atmospheric hypersonic flight.

当水汽凝成雨水,会造成局域性的大气压力下降。As the vapor condenses into rain, the local atmospheric pressure drops.