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这通常都是无害的。This is generally harmless.

内壁上的息肉一般是要切除的。Polyps are generally removed.

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米格战机一般搭载1到2人。MiG generally carry 1-2 people.

鱼一般是没有眼脸的。Generally , fish has no eyelids.

一般是三十度左右。It is generally around 30 degrees.

熊猫一般每年只交配一次。Pandas generally mate once a year.

你看上去是疲劳过度。You seem to be generally run-down.

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但是这里的关键词是“通常”。But the key word here is generally.

我通常不信任尼康代表。I generally don't trust Nikon reps.

一般来说,我是一个快活的人。Are you in generally a happy person?

一般人们常把苦茶油。Generally people Chang Baku tea oil.

三聚氰胺的一般用途是什么?What is melamine generally used for?

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一般是经由鳃呼吸。Fish generally respire through gills.

雄鱼雄性个体,尤其指雄性的鲟鱼。Male sturgeon or male fish generally.

大多数空白符通常被忽略。Most whitespace is generally ignored.

我们能够更加一般化的使用它。We can actually use it more generally.

我们保险公司一般承保水渍险。Our company generally underwrite W.P.A.

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这儿有三位姓铃木的。There are generally three Suzukis here.

治疗的耐受性均很好。Treatment was generally well-tolerated.

商务卡业务通常是V字型走势。Corporate card generally is more of a V.