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采样方法。Sampling method.

法犸说道。The method Mao says.

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为什么是案例研究法?Why the Case Method?

九段分期法。Kudan staging method.

我使用5-5-5方法。I use the 5-5-5 method.

二次压光法。Second-pressure method.

方法不对头。The method is incorrect.

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什么是案例研究法?What Is the Case Method?

有什么办法能去眼袋?What method can go pouch?

日记是另一个办法A diary is another method.

我有一个复杂的方法。I have a inportant method.

是一种拉格朗日方法。It is a Lagrangean method.

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“方法名称”下拉列表。Method Name drop-down list.

这个方法是智能的。This method is intelligent.

什么是断言方法?What is a predicate method?

去眼袋的最好方法。Go the best method of pouch.

这是一种完美可行的教学法。It's an AOK teaching method.

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这个新办法正在试用。This new method is on trial.

另一种方式是通过联结。Another method is via a join.

逃避非善法,面对是修行。Evasion is not a good method.