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呼啦圈是圆的。The hoop is round.

圈环裙一度曾是时尚。Hoop skirts were once the vogue.

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我这里看到把没有铜箍的,没要。I saw one with copper hoop here.

阿谁孩子在滚铁环。The chellold was rolling a hoop.

我会玩,我会玩呼啦圈。I can play, I can play hula hoop.

特技表演者把剑弯成圆圈。The acrobat bent sword into a hoop.

铁环沿人行道滚动。The hoop rolled along the pavement.

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记得童年的呼拉圈吗?Remember the hula hoop from childhood?

但是篮圈允许骑士队稍稍挽回点颜面。But that hoop allowed the Cavs to cover.

工人把铁条弯成箍。The worker bent an iron rod into a hoop.

当荧光呼拉圈遭遇爪哇加麦兰。Glowing hula hoop meets Javanese Gamelan.

在1963年的今天,呼拉圈被申请专利。Today in 1963, the hula hoop was patented.

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这个杂技演员可以把身体蜷曲成圆形。The acrobat could bend himself into a hoop.

这个杂技演员可以把身体蜷曲成圈形。The acrobat could bend himself into a hoop.

有些人喜欢缝无箍。Some people prefer to stitch without a hoop.

新的呼啦圈是由高科技。The new hula hoop is made with high technology.

惠姆-奥公司的这种新玩具定名为呼拉圈。Wham -o's new toy was christened the hula hoop.

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奶奶可以摇呼拉圈摇很久。Grandma can shake the hula hoop for a long time.

我喜欢运动。我会玩,我会玩呼啦圈。I like sports. I can play, I can play hula hoop.

这个工人用一个铁箍修桶。The worker repaired the barrel with a hoop iron.