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混乱开始了。The scrambling begins.

大伙都在抢购球票。People are scrambling for tickets.

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金姆则已经向那辆面包车跑去。Kim was already scrambling toward the car.

世界上许多人只是勉强度日而已。Many are just scrambling along in the world.

与此同时经营商们争相赶上。Meanwhile operators are scrambling to catch up.

绝不像攀援的凌霄花。I will never resemble scrambling trumpet creepers.

她匆忙扎起头发,冲出房去。Scrambling up her hair, she darted out of the house.

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平局!同时,中野确是一片混乱。Announcer a tie game ! they ' re scrambling in the alley.

他们的政府正努力避免此类事件再次发生。Their government is scrambling to prevent a reoccurrence.

现在每个公司都在硬件软件两手抓。Now everybody is scrambling in both hardware and software.

如今,核能源游说人士尽其所能维护其核工业。Now nuclear lobbyists are scrambling to defend the industry.

一些中国汽车厂家已经开始主动适应这一局面。Some of China's auto makers are already scrambling to adapt.

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为了生成消息摘要,您需要一种加密编码机制。To produce a message digest, you need a scrambling mechanism.

科学家们正热络地破译这种多功能分子。Scientists are scrambling to decipher this versatile molecule.

他们纷纷争取现金以避免在银行贷款上违约。They are scrambling for cash to avoid defaulting on bank loans.

少年时,我曾试图攀登数学之颠。I spent my teenage years scrambling up the mountain of mathematics.

也许是不甘落后,枣树争先恐后地吐出了嫩绿的新芽。Perhaps to be outdone, jujube scrambling to spit the verdant shoots.

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出于自卫的竞争并且禁止团队休息。Scrambling for self-protection and abandoning the rest of the group.

在下午后半晌的炎热中,他们向山坡上爬赴。They were scrambling up the mountainside in the late afternoon heat.

各农垦公司正在争夺可能到手的每一英亩土地。Corporate farmers are scrambling for every acre of land they can get.