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它是一只非常傲慢的猫。She's a very snooty cat.

他们总是那么的傲慢。They were always so snooty.

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永远令人痛苦地挂着一副目中无人的时髦相?Painfully stylish with a permanent snooty look on their face?

我不介意告诉你,我实在不能容忍那些骄傲自大的克达尔达们。I don't mind telling you that I can't stand those snooty Koada'Dal.

有一个听上去很傲慢的短语,不知你们之前是否已经有所耳闻There's a very snooty phrase that-- I don't know if you ever heard it before.

他会爱她傲慢的态度么,会爱她讲话时,尤其是跟他自己说话时咄咄逼人么?Would he love her snooty attitude or biting way of talking about people, particularly himself?

傲慢的老冰箱有一个优点,就是平等地忽略每一个人,主人也好,客人也罢。The one advantage snooty old Refrigerator had was that he ignored everyone equally, owner and visitor alike.

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我知道帕蒂不喜欢我,她总是瞧不起我,也从来不把康妮放在眼里。And I know Patty doesn’t like me, she’s always looked down her nose at me and been snooty about Connie. I know that.

她和她自大的猫查兹尔威特一样,伊甸自私地计划着让剧院所有的演员在圣诞节那天留下来排练!Along with her snooty cat, Chuzzlewit, Eden selfishly plans to make all the theatre performers stay and rehearse on Christmas Day!

辛格不止一次将尼赫鲁-甘地家族描述为是有着贵族习气,尽管事实情况并非完全如此,但他们的小圈子的确是高傲势利。Although the Nehru-Gandhi family was not, as Ms Singh states several times, aristocratic, they and their circle could certainly be snooty.

Hossegor镇位于从比亚里茨延伸出来的公路上,该镇建于1990年,是当地的一个旅游点,现在已经成为了欧洲最热门的冲浪点之一。Just up the road from snooty Biarritz lies Hossegor, a town created for tourism in 1900 that has become one of Europe’s premier surf spots.

就像它们的远房表亲,那些傲慢的小说家一样,许多相机迷回避了数码的便利,他们更喜欢舒服的暗室和芳香的成像液。Like their distant cousins the snooty novelists, many camera buffs eschew digital for the comfort of darkrooms and the aroma of developer fluid.

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例如,傲慢的英格兰人长期以来歧视威尔士人,并偏激的宣称,威尔士居住着大多数是卫理公会教徒和一些“不忠的绵羊”。The snooty English, for instance, have long disparaged Wales, which they caricature unfairly as being populated mostly by Methodist preachers and disaffected sheep.