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反馈是控制论系统的基本概念。Feedback is the basic concept of cybernetic systems.

对于控制论运动消亡的原因有三种推测There are three theories about why the cybernetic movement died

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一些计算机专家从松散的控制论的意义上运用“学习”这个词。Some computerists use the term learning a loose, cybernetic sense.

因此,控制论理论几乎很少对此进行实验。Therefore, very little cybernetic theory ever made it to experiment.

还是愿意使用机械升级模块来继续维持你的人性?。Or will you compromise your humanity cybernetic upgrades to even the score?

在网络整体环境中,网络使用者分为贡献者和潜水者两类。In the cybernetic world, network users are made up of contributors and lurkers.

触发吉姆雷诺任务的事实上是他的机器人副官。The mission contact in the Raynor mission strand is actually a cybernetic adjutant.

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控制论群体并没有按照自己安排的解决问题的时间表,找到相应答案。The cybernetic group did not find answers as much as they prepared an agenda for questions.

所谓的相关证据是建立于控制论的控制目标,并涉及到相关的监督与规范。A cybernetic control system is a self_regulating control system that, once put into operation.

贝特森与诺波特•韦纳同为现代控制运动的创始人。Bateson, together with Norbert Wiener, was a founding father of the modern cybernetic movement.

他同样因自己在遭遇哈潘海军后所用的机械植入物而出名。He was also known for the cybernetic replacements he received following his encounter with the Hapan navy.

本书的速记大纲把这一框架说成控制论研究的最新现状。A short -hand synopsis of Out of Control would be to say it is an update on the current state of cybernetic research.

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在这个例子中,对于实现控制神经网络而言,简化可以是实用的,尤其是当它们被作为模型来使用时。Simplifications can be useful, especially when they serve as a model, in this case, for implementing cybernetic neural nets.

面对世界信息产业市场竞争的中国传媒界正悄然进入一个全新的“品牌竞争时代”。Facing the competition of global cybernetic market, traditional Chinese media is quietly stepping into a new "Brand Competition Era."

“食尾者”的循环回路是一个如此显而易见的反馈象征,使我难以确定到底是谁先在控制论的语境中使用它。The loop of Uroborus is so obviously an emblem for feedback that I have trouble ascertaining who first used it in a cybernetic context.

他还推动了控制论化学的应用,对化学中的许多疑难繁琐的现象给出清晰满意的解释。He also encourages the application of cybernetic chemistry to explain the complicated chemical phenomena by using simple but effective rules.

这些更为博学的人当然知道早期的控制论工作,但他们当中几乎没有一个具有控制论背景的人。The better-read were certainly aware of the early cybernetic work, but there was almost no one from a cybernetic background working with them.

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生物学家用系统、控制论与信息处理方法来观察了解生物学过程的例子越来越多。Now the systemic, cybernetic and information processing methods have been widely used by biologist to observe and understand the biology process.

他遇见一个叫马娜鲁的阿鲁萨美女,她的同情心和对一个机器器官接口的操控激起了登加深藏已久的情感。He came across a beautiful Aruzan woman named Manaroo, whose compassion and access to a cybernetic link stirred the long-buried emotions inside Dengar.

在和他昔日的恩师欧比王肯诺比交手之后,维德受了非常严重的伤,以致于必须依靠呼吸器来维持生命。Sustaining grievous injuries at the hands of his former master, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Vader required cybernetic enhancements and replacements to sustain him.