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我是海贝月光女神。AM Seashell Moon Woman.

把一枚海螺放在耳边?。With your ear to a seashell ?

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她在海岸上卖海贝壳。She sells seashell on the seashore.

他给了我们一个大贝壳作为礼物。He gave us a big seashell as a gift.

她沿海滩收集海贝。She walks along the beach-collecting seashell.

现在我要来找海星和贝壳。Now I'm looking for a starfish. And a seashell.

她的象征主要是海贝壳和红玫瑰。Among her symbols were the seashell and the red rose.

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结合态氚的形成和积累随时间呈缓慢增长的趋势。The bound tritium in seashell increases slowly with time.

渔业资源丰富,盛产对虾及贝类等水产品。The country is also rich in fishery resources like prawn and seashell.

你曾把贝壳贴在耳边,倾听过海洋的呼啸吗?Have you ever held a seashell to your ear and heard the roar of the ocean?

蓝色的斑点很可能是自然存在的海贝颗粒或者矿砾。The blue specks are likely naturally occurring seashell particles or minerals.

例如贝壳的螺旋即与黄金螺旋的比例相称。For example, the spiral shape of a seashell has the symmetry of a golden spiral.

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当你进入这座展览馆的时候,你感觉就像是进入了一个巨大的白色贝壳里面。When you walk into the gallery, you feel as if you were inside a fragile, white seashell.

信息来自金色黎明神殿议会,通过海贝月光女神和大天使麦克传递。Message from Council of the Golden Dawn Temple, through Seashell Moon Woman, with Archangel Michael.

开展“供水生产中贝类污染的防治技术”、“污水处理厂污泥处理优化研究”等。SZWG carried out "Protection of Seashell in water supply" and "Research on improving sludge treatment".

海贝形无线收音机“类似于可携式的收音机和耳机,装配在随身听和音响播放器上。Seashell radios" closely resemble portable radios and earbuds, such as those found in portable audio players."

我们喜欢这种图案,因为它看起来像贝壳或棕榈树,一种适合迈阿密的有机形态。We like this pattern because it looks like a seashell or a palm tree, an organic form that is appropriate for Miami.

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把一枚海螺放在耳边,你会听见来自水下洞穴的海浪声,仿佛置身于一个充满海水的房间。With your ear to a seashell , You can hear the waves in underwater caves , as if you actually were inside a saltwater room.

因为她诞生于大海,她还是水手们的保护女神,往往被描绘成坐在巨型海贝壳上的女神。Because she came out of the sea, she was also the protectress of sailors, and she was often depicted sitting on a giant seashell.

我们处在不断的杂音包围之中,其中大部分杂音我们是听不见的,除非把贝壳之类的东西靠近耳边才能听到。We are constantly surrounded by noise, most of which is not audible to us unless we hold something like a seashell close to one of our ears.