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她因一点小事而发火。She flares up at the least thing.

使外部热消和照明弹。Makes external heat dissipaters and flares.

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轮眉和铝制侧杠安装。Fender flares and aluminum side steps mounted.

那种事情大多是由太阳耀斑造成的。That sort of thing is caused more by solar flares.

那里漆黑一片,迷失的灵魂们都在独自徘徊,当你点燃你内心的火焰时,那些迷失的灵魂聚集在你的光和热附近。Lost souls wander alone. Your inner flame flares up.

燃放时要放一桶水在旁边,这样出现一点火星或是其他的火事时,就可以防患于未然。Keep a bucket of water nearby to control flares or fires.

道路照明弹现在将不会在死亡模式中为你的敌对小队提供视野。Road Flares now do not grant vision to the opposing Team in DM.

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不要做那种一经摩擦就会起火的火柴头。Don't be like the matchstick that flares up on slightest friction.

到了晚上10点15分时,几发照明弹打上天空,苏军又开始了攻击。At 2215 a series of flares went up, and the Soviets attacked again.

一些光晕可以填上颜色以更加适合你场景的风格。Some flares can be colorized to better fit in with your scene's mood.

当他们一离开原地,符文就会闪出灼热的光芒。If they move from their positions, the glyph flares with searing light.

镜头光晕模拟相机镜头内的折射光线的效果。Lens Flares simulate the effect of lights refracting inside camera lens.

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强光过后,它们发着微光的尾巴都还会在空中保留几秒钟。The brightest flares left shimmering trails that hung for a few seconds.

12月份,示威者在西伯利亚城市克拉斯诺亚尔斯克点燃了照明弹。In December, protesters in the Siberian city of Krasnoyarsk held up flares.

以军发射的照明弹照亮了北部加沙地带的夜空。Flares fired by Israeli forces light up the sky above the northern Gaza Strip.

太阳耀斑和日冕物质抛射都能产生对地球有影响的空间天气。Both flares and coronal mass ejections can create space weather if aimed at Earth.

要实现梦想,就要向你挑战!,爱的信号弹,发射。To achieve the dream, it is necessary to challenge you! Flares of love, blast-off.

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与此同时,太阳右侧则发生M-1耀斑和日冕物质抛射。At the same time, the sun is the right place M-1 flares and coronal mass ejections.

她是个典型的女权分子,一听见人家说些不尊重妇女的话就会勃然大怒。She is a card-carrying feminist, and flares up at any irreverent remarks on womanhood.

虽然携带标准照明弹和震荡手雷,但他们很少参加大型战斗。They carry standard flares and concussion grenades, but rarely engage in heavy combat.