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上级法院维持下级法院的判决。The appellate court affirmed the judgment of the lower court.

第三部分,上诉审程序启动论。Part three, the commencement of the civil appellate procedure.

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受理上诉的法院维持下级法院的判决。The appellate court affirmed the judgement of the lower court.

高等法院的三个分庭都有上诉审的职能。The three divisions of the High Court all have appellate functions.

饭店老板们要求联邦法院阻止该项法令。Restaurateurs have asked a federal appellate court to block the law.

顾名思义,上诉法院有受理上诉的裁判权。As the name implies the courts of appeals have appellate jurisdiction.

经DSB通过的上诉机构报告对当事国具有拘束力。Appellate Body reports adopted by DSB are binding on countries concerned.

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上诉法庭的任何决议都出自三审判团。Any decision from the appellate court would come from a three-judge panel.

一个上诉法庭维持这项判决,但是最高法院却一致推翻原判。An appellate court upheld this verdict, but a unanimous Supreme Court reversed.

任何进一步的程序都将于高等法院的上诉庭处理。Any further proceedings will take place in the Appellate Term of the Supreme Court.

还包括详细的解释政策条款的州上诉决议。It also covers in detail state appellate decisions construing the policy provisions.

司法人员,比如行政法官或者上诉审裁处,通常是和行政机构的其余部分相隔绝的。Legal staffs are usually separate from the rest of the agency as are ALJs and appellate tribunals.

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讨论的主要依据是DSB通过的有关专家组报告和上诉机构报告。The discussion is mainly based on relevant Panel Reports and Appellate Body Reports adopted by DSB.

法官的作用依据他或者她是审判法庭还是上诉法庭的法官而不同。The judge's function changes depending on whether he or she is a trial or an appellate court judge.

上诉法庭不同于审判法庭,通常至少由三位法官组成,并且没有陪审团。Appellate courts, unlike trial courts, are usually composed of at least three judges. There are no juries.

在可预见的未来,中国律师中是否有人能在WTO上诉法庭上辩论?Will there be Chinese lawyers who are able to argue before the WTO appellate body in the foreseeable future?

第一百五十一条第二审人民法院应当对上诉请求的有关事实和适用法律进行审查。Article 151 A people's court of second instance shall review the facts and the law used in an appellate case.

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但是上诉法庭宣判了他的罪行,裁定说仅仅是占有机密文件就已经犯法了。But the appellate court affirmed his conviction, ruling that merely possessing secret documents can be illegal.

同样,当政府在上诉法院被裁定败诉时,总检察长决定是否向最高法院提出上诉。Similarly, the solicitor general decides whether to seek Supreme Court review of adverse appellate court rulings.

在迈阿密,由多种族人士组成的陪审团裁决洛扎诺犯过失杀人罪,但上诉法庭推翻了该判决。A racially mixed jury in Miami convicted Lozano of manslaughter, but an appellate court overturned the convictions.