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史蒂芬·安布罗斯是一位历史学家兼教师。Stephen Ambrose is a historian and teacher.

现在在阿姆布罗斯我们还有一个鹰嘴豆泥餐馆。We even have a Hummus restaurant now in Ambrose.

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他是个跳水能手“,安布罗斯说,假装钦佩的样子。He's a master diver," Ambrose said. In feigned admiration.

不,哦好吧,还有谁来说说,给点评论?No. Oh. Okay. Anyone else on "Ambrose His Mark"? Comments?

这好想Magda和Ambrose做的性爱游戏。This is like that moment of erotic play with Magda for Ambrose.

如果你能想到接近安布罗斯的更快捷的办法,我将洗耳恭听。I'm open to a suggestion if you can think of a quicker way to get to Ambrose.

理查德?安伯斯和钱宁?菲力普这两位科学家在追寻知识。Two scientists, Richard Ambrose and Jonny Phillips, are searching for knowledge.

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李少光继续得分最高,而林瑞麟就继续排名榜末。Ambrose Lee continues to score the highest while Stephen Lam remains at the bottom.

贝拉米是腿部扭伤而安布罗西和戴尔则是双双肌肉拉伤。Bellamy has a hamstring strain while Ambrose and Dyer have both been sidelined by muscle tears.

如果你想吃印度菜的话,在阿姆布罗斯有很多印度餐馆。你想吃点啥?You want Indian food, there're a lot of great Indian spots on Ambrose as well. What did you want?

不过是英国科学家佛来明,发现了它的功用。But it was the British scientist Sir John Ambrose Fleming who was to discover it's full potential.

英格兰国脚达伦本特接安布罗斯的角球在近门柱的射门偏出。England striker Darren Bent shot wide at the near post following a well-worked corner from Ambrose.

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保安局长李少光表示,日本做法是违反所有海关守则。Secretary for Security Ambrose Lee Siu-kwong said the case was a total breach of customs guidelines.

李少光继续得分最高,而林瑞麟就继续以不及50分排名榜末。Ambrose Lee continues to score the highest while Stephen Lam remains at the bottom with less than 50 marks.

今天我们的故事被称为“登上窗口。”这是由安布罗斯比尔斯写的。下面是夏普奥尼尔与故事。Our story today is called "The Boarded Window. " It was written by Ambrose Bierce. Here is Shep O'Neal with the story.

比赛开始后,查尔顿迎来一个任意球,安布罗斯主罚太靠近门将被封堵。After the competition starts, Charlton welcomes a free kick, Ambrose penalty kicks too approaches the goalkeeper to seal off.

特首董建华已经委任左李少光做保安局局长,你认为李少光是否一个理想人选?CE Tung has appointed Ambrose Lee Siu-kwong as Secretary for Security. Do you think Ambrose Lee Siu-kwong is an ideal candidate?

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例如,他认为圣安布洛斯在帖撒罗尼迦屠杀后无权将狄奥多修斯皇帝开除教籍。For example, he holds that Saint Ambrose had no right to excommunicate the Emperor Theodosius after the massacre of Thessalonica.

卡特斯比、珀西和赖特两兄弟被杀死,受伤的托马斯·温图尔和安布罗斯·罗克伍德被押回伦敦。Catesby, Percy and the two Wright brothers were killed, while a wounded Thomas Wintour and Ambrose Rokewood were taken away to London.

所有市民对李少光对任保安局局长的假设投票结果调查皆为电话问卷调查,由严格督导下的访员进行访问。All surveys Hypothetical Voting on Ambrose Lee Siu-kwong as the are telephone surveys conducted by interviewers under close supervision.