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在铸造厂。At a casting plant.

他同意这样的演员阵容。He agrees to the casting.

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交托我们的忧虑是自己的选择。Casting our cares is a choice.

抛投时卷线器发出噪音。Reel makes noise when casting.

你必须把铸件的表面弄光滑。You must face off the casting.

就好像光线投下影子。It is like light casting a shadow.

好域名铸造大品牌!Good Domain Name casting big brand!

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我不记得曾对你施放过减速术。I don"t remember casting slow on you."

大型方柱铸造和表。Large square column casting and table.

高压铸铝灯体。High-pressure casting aluminum housing.

采用呋喃树脂砂型铸造。The casting is cast in furan sand mould.

砂型铸造用于生产大的零件。Sand casting is used to make large parts.

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你简直是在对牛弹琴。You are just casting pearls before swine.

树木将他们的王冠静静地And quietly the trees casting their crowns

安娜继续跳着。艾尔莎继续抛掷魔法。Anna keeps jumping. Elsa keeps casting magic.

它涉及到了很多的铸造和锻造。It involves a lot of casting out and smiting.

这些铸件都没有缩孔缺陷。None of these casting have shrinkage defects.

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工人们正在铸造一座不锈钢的胸像。The workers are casting a stainless steel bust.

兵丁就拈阄分他的衣服。And they divided up his clothes by casting lots.

卡顿琼斯先生,感谢他让我出演了第一部电影。Mr. Caton-Jones for casting me in my first film.