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守卫者将球传至中央。The defender centered the ball.

球从一名防守队员身上弹回。The ball cannoned off a defender.

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再来一个为洛克辩护的,你来。One more defender of Locke. Go ahead.

他带球越过了防卫。He dribbled the ball past the defender.

他是前NBA最佳防守级别的防守者。He's a former All-NBA-caliber defender.

魔术师却从未获得这一殊荣。Magic was never an all-league defender.

他说,肯尼迪是一个梦想的捍卫者。He says Kennedy was the defender of a dream.

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不过我还是把钱压在防守方上。But again, my money would be on the defender.

米兰后卫蒂亚戈席尔瓦已经准备好了。The defender of Milan, Thiago Silva is ready.

你是防守者,那么你应该在哪设防呢You're the defender. What are you going to do?

防御者编年史,它比止痛药还好。Defender Chronicles – It's better than Percocet.

与安全帽和耳罩配套使用方便。Easy to use with safety helmet and ear defender.

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在防守端,我喜欢塞维利亚后卫埃斯库德。On defense, I like French defender Escude at Sevilla.

这次比赛的功臣是后卫刘爱玲。The toast of the Chinese team was defender Liu Ailing.

乌迪内斯已经将后卫克里斯蒂安·帕塔挂牌出售。Udinese have put defender Cristian Zapata up for sale.

她的律师是法庭指派的公共辩护律师。Her lawyer was a public defender appointed by the court.

而且安切洛蒂还放走了后卫贝莱蒂。Chelsea have also released the defender Juliano Belletti.

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为穷人辩护使他声名鹊起。He quickly gained a reputation as a defender of the poor.

莱罗塔列也意识到里米尼将对球队制造的威胁。The defender is well aware of the threat posed by Rimini.

但墨西哥队后卫卡洛斯•萨尔西则并不介意。Mexican defender Carlos Salcido was not concerned, though.