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元件的响应速度快,重复性和一致性好。The elements also show rapid responsibility, good repeatability and conformability.

同时还确认了场地卓越周期和基岩埋深具有很好的相关性。The relationship of the predominant period and the bedrock' s depth has good conformability.

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新3B拉挤毡是为了满足刚性和舒适性的要求而量身定做的。The new 3B pultrusion mats are tailored to meet both rigidity and conformability requirements.

适用于轮船中任何规则和不规则形状的金属管道和管件、阀门的防腐蚀工作。STAC Tape has a high degree of conformability which allows for application over irregular surface profiles in ships.

根据多余力处的变形协调条件列出并求解力法平衡方程得到徐变多余力。According to conformability of deformation, creep-redundant forces can be attained by resolving equilibrium equations.

CM6060是为了满足复杂的形状要求而设计的,同时要求更高的舒适性、一致性和效率。CM6060 is designed for complex shapes that demand greater conformability while still providing consistency and efficiency.

适用于轮船中任何规则和不规则形状的金属管道和管件、法兰、阀门的防腐蚀工作。Anticorrosive Tape has a high degree of conformability which allows for application over irregular surface profiles in ships.

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网络营销以其互动性、个性化、整合性等特征逐渐显示出其优势。E-marketing demonstrates its superiority gradually by its characteristics such as interactive, personalization, conformability.

上卡头位置,工作台角度都可灵活调节定位,使锯板适应性更强。Position of upper clip and angle of working table all can be adjusted flexibly, which enhance the conformability for sawing plate.

论述了从众是“主体因客体的影响而产生的与客体一致的行为或态度”。Conformability is that "the subject produces the same behavior or attitude as the object's because of the influence of the object ".

因此,合理的确定预防维修周期是对设备进行科学维修决策的必然要求。Therefore reasonable conformability of preventive maintenance cycle is necessary demand of scientific equipment maintenance decision.

长期性、进步性、稳固性和整合性是这种人为机制的特征。The long-term characteristic, progressive, the robustness and the conformability are this kind of artificial mechanism characteristics.

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经济与文化的整合,是商品进入市场,激烈的市场竞争的优胜劣汰过程中出现的一种必然的趋势。It is the inexorable trend that the economy and culture become conformability during the commodity entering market and sharp market competition.

据3B公司所言,他们新的CFM拉挤用薄毡达到了外观的平衡——实现了颜色、光泽、舒适性的结合,同时还有很高的强度。According to 3B, their news CFM pultrusion mats offer a balance of surface appearance – colour, gloss and conformability – together with a high strength.

与一般利益团体相比,政党的利益表达具有根本性、综合性、整合性的特点。Compared with the general interest groups, political party's interest express has the fundamentals, the comprehensive nature, the conformability characteristic.

文中提出了一种基于相似度的粗精双搜索运动多目标识别方法。This paper presents a moving multi-target recognition method based on conformability degree in the cursory searching process and the precision searching process.

此设计规律可用来检验现有螺杆泵是否符合密封性要求,还可用来设计新齿形螺杆泵。Based on these rules, we can check the conformability of existing screw pumps to their sealing requirements or design new screw pumps with improved teeth profiles.

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它具有耐磨、量轻、灵敏度高、声学阻抗低、容易固定在复杂的表面、价格便宜,频带宽等特点。They are characterized by ruggedness, light weight, high sensitivity, low acoustic impedance, easy conformability to complex surface, low cost and large bandwidth.

出口到欧盟25个成员国及冰岛,挪威,列支敦士登、瑞士的电子电气产品。Electric products exported to the 25 EU member countries, plus Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein and Switzerland shall provide ROHS Conformability Declaration of Products.

此外,胶凝材料质量的稳定性和与高效减水剂的相容性也是原材料选择中不容忽视的重要内容。Furthermore, quality stability of cementitious materials and conformability between superplasticizers and cementitious materials are also important for material selection.