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让我们开始吧。Let us begin.

一切从新开始!Begin all anew!

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开始记录。Begin recording.

这病怎么开始的?How did it begin?

它们开始僵化了。They begin to harden.

就让这些从你开始吧。Let it begin with you!

从站直开始。Begin by standing tall.

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所以我们开始探询。So we begin to enquire.

那么,我就要开始老了么?Well, am I begin aging?

你开始发白日梦。You begin to day-dream.

你或许会开始出汗。You may begin to sweat.

我又要开始咬指甲了。Let the nail biting begin.

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让我们现在开始卸货。Let’s begin to unload now.

她必须把它重做。She has to begin it again.

夸伦人开始骚动。The Quarren begin to stir.

早晨开始变得冷飕飕的了。The mornings begin chilly.

仅仅从一个磁铁开始。Begin with just one magnet.

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我想先来个罗宋汤。I'd like a borsch to begin.

英语活动月启动了!We begin our English Month!

我们从捷径开始。We begin with the shortcut.