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然后突袭他。Then pounce.

一旦看到猎物,勇敢扑上去!When you see it, pounce on it.

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未知的千里眼。请报告此错误!Unknown pounce event. Please report this!

快乐一小时并不总是疯狂的唯一黄金时段。Happy hour isn't the only prime time to pounce.

狮子憋足了劲儿,准备向小丑扑去。The lion gathered itself and prepared to pounce.

我们藏在灌木丛后面,准备向来犯者发起突然袭击。We hide behind the bush, ready to pounce on the intruder.

他们嗅到员工的软肋,就会重拳出击。Once they sense an employee's soft spot, they pounce on it.

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割碎、猛击与偷袭对玩家都是只能昏迷而不打断。Maim, Bash and Pounce are all stuns and never interrupt players.

我们藏在灌木丛后,准备向来犯者发起突然袭击。We hid himself behind the bushes, ready to pounce on the intruder.

我希望可以在下雨的星期天,躺到在床上,享受自然而然的性爱。I wanted to pounce into bed on a rainy Sunday and have spontaneous sex.

一旦出错,就会有一群穿着睡衣横眉竖眼的写手冲来。Make a mistake, and a swarm of furious pyjama-clad scribes will pounce.

雀鹰能在超短距离通过加速来冲向它的猎物。Sparrowhawks pounce on their prey by accelerating over short distances.

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这是一种主考人喜欢抓住的粗心错误。This is the kind of careless mistake on which examiners love to pounce.

山姆一手拿刀一手拿叉,急切地想扑过去。With knife in one hand and fork in the other, Sam looked eager to pounce.

你要是出一点差错,他就会抓住机会说你是笨蛋。If you make a single mistake, he will pounce on you and say you're a fool.

一头凶猛的怪兽破水而出,并随时准备给毫不设防的猎物致命一击。A mighty beast rises out of the water, ready to pounce on some unsuspecting prey.

有一个人在森林中漫走的时候,突然遇见了一只饥饿的老虎,老虎向他猛扑上来。As the tiger started to pounce on him, the man scampered off as fast as he could run.

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“这些记者会抓住每一个口误或者片面的说法不放,”沃伦说。“These commentators pounce on every misstatement, every partial statement, ” Warren said.

异性朋友躲在那里就像一只饥饿的狼,做好了扑向下一个目标的准备。The opposite-sex friend lurks like a hungry wolf, ready to pounce at the next opportunity.

它们突然袭击猎物,用毒液使它们麻痹,然后用嘴撕掉皮。They pounce on their prey, paralyze them with venom and use their beaks to tear off pieces.