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该系统将很快在位于日本中部的小松空军基地投入使用。The system will soon be operational at Komatsu Air Base in central Japan.

它会步小松和沃尔沃的后尘在美国生产装备吗?Might it make equipment in the U.S., following the paths of Komatsu and Volvo?

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小松是世界第二大建筑及采矿设备制造商,仅次于卡特彼勒。Komatsu is the world's second-largest maker of construction and mining equipment, trailing Caterpillar.

日本小松公司不久前从中国最大煤矿商手里拿到了制造44辆“特大型倾卸货车”的订单。Komatsu of Japan has just won an order for 44 “super-large dump trucks” from China's biggest coal miner.

而日本的小松公司刚刚从中国最大的煤矿开采商手中争取到了44量“超大型自卸卡车”的订单。Komatsu of Japan has just won an order for 44 “super-large dump trucks” from China’s biggest coal miner.

小松制作所的一位发言人说,Off-Highway有关其2010年标准挖掘机的销售数据是准确的。A spokeswoman for Komatsu said the Off-Highway data for its sales of such excavators in 2010 were correct.

在此领域我们现服务的客户有小松技研、圣美、TYCO、MOLEX、华为、金立等客户。We are in this area of customer service has Komatsu giken, Wie , TYCO, MOLEX, Huawei, Jin and other clients.

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小松计划2010年的产量提高到2009年的两倍,主要是中国和印尼销售增长的缘故。Komatsu plans to double production in 2010 from 2009, largely on the strength of sales in China and Indonesia.

甘格米说,他不大可能买广西柳工的设备,公司通常会坚持购买卡特彼勒和小松等经过市场检验的名牌产品。He says he is unlikely to buy Liugong equipment. 'We generally stick with the proven brands, ' such as Caterpillar and Komatsu.

“我们将避开小松,因为考虑到中国企业将在中期提升其竞争力,”林说到。“We would avoid Komatsu because we think that Chinese companies will increase their competitiveness over the medium term,” Lin said.

根据美国卡特彼勒公司和日本小松公司2006年最新发布的关于2005年年报及2006年预测信息,本刊将相关的数据摘出并进行分析。Construction Machinery translates part of the records and makes some analysis according to Caterpillar and Komatsu 2005 results and 2006 outlook.

本文针对日本小松4D、6D等型柴油机的使用实践,系统分析了缸套的穴蚀现象。Based on the application practice of Komatsu diesel engine model 4D and 6D the cavitation phenomenon in cylinder liner is analyzed systematically.

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“在伦敦裸体餐厅,他们允许肥胖的顾客进入,结果一些客人就抱怨他们的体验非常糟糕,”仙露的女发言人小松美纪对法新社说。"In London they allow overweight patrons in and some guests complained they had a terrible experience, " Amrita spokeswoman Miki Komatsu told AFP.

小松先生主张充分利用“丰富的南极资源”,像小须鲸,以代替金枪鱼和其它濒危鱼类。And instead of catching tuna and other endangered species, Mr Komatsu advocates making more use of "plentiful Antarctic resources, " such as the Minke whale.

我作为某液压油泵厂的口译人员参加了本次展览,该液压油泵厂是一家专业生产齿轮泵和叶片泵的公司,产品主要适用于卡特与小松的工程机械。I worked as an interpreter for a Pump Factory. The factory is specialised in gear pumps and vane pumps mainly for Caterpillar and Komatsu construction machinery.

卡特彼勒是全球最大的建筑设备制造商。And most of the biggest dealers are tied up by major manufacturers like Caterpillar, the world's biggest maker of construction equipment, and Japan's Komatsu Ltd.

小松产业机械顺应时代的变迁,追求先进的生产工艺,经常开发生产出领先一步的机器,我们是在实绩和历史上培植出产业机械的一流制造商。Backed by extensive experience and know-how accumulated over many yeas in the sector, Komatsu Industries is a leading manufacturer of advanced industrial machinery.

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特普朗说日本的汇率操纵造成了日本工程机械制造商小松公司对其竞争对手美国卡特彼勒的威胁。Trump said Japanese construction machinery manufacturer Komatsu Ltd. threatens its American competitor Caterpillar Inc. thanks to what he called Japanese currency manipulation.

柴油叉车叉消声设备工业耶鲁丰田日产三菱阿利斯菲亚特售后配件克拉克泵机械卡特彼勒小松多方面的。Muffler diesel "equipment" industrial fork forklift Yale Toyota Mitsubishi Arliss April Clark Fiat after-sales and spare parts for "Caterpillar, " Komatsu "multiple" mechanical pump.

液化石油气和汽油叉车消声器设备工业卡车拖拉机零件更换履带拖拉机机械售后小松形排气猫转换器。" Liquefied petroleum "gas" and gasoline industrial trucks, forklift equipment, and spare parts for tractor muffler aftermarket Crawler Tractors Komatsu machines convert type exhaust cat.