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而被佛罗里达的微气候非常时候香榧的生长。Northern Florida's microclimate is very favorable to Torreya's growth.

麦秸和残茬覆盖对夏玉米农田小气候的影响。Effects of straw and residue mulching on microclimate of summer corn field.

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影响沙狐春季洞穴选择的前三位主要因子是微气候、人为干扰和食物。Microclimate factor class factor is the chief factor in den site selection.

城市热环境的空间格局对城市微气候、城市生态环境演变有重要影响。Spatial thermal environment has a full impact on microclimate and urban zoology.

而小气候干暖化直接造成湿地水资源量匮乏。Meanwhile, dry-warm microclimate directly causes scarcity of wetland water resource.

探讨泥岩地区盆栽植物之微气候影响因素,并以蒸发散量模式量化这些因子。The influence factor of microclimate for potted plant at mudstone area is discussed.

地面覆盖法是改善农业小气候的一种重要措施。Soil surface mulching was one of important method to improve the agricultural microclimate.

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因此,光伏系统对于建筑和城市热环境都会有影响。Part two deals with the interaction between the BIPV and microclimate in urban environments.

该地区同周围干热的气候不同,是非常潮湿和凉爽的。This microclimate is wetter and cooler than the surrounding region's relatively dry, warm climate.

创造舒适的室内微气候环境是建筑设计的基本目的之一。Creating comfortable interior microclimate environment is one of the basic aims in building design.

托卡伊地区,受到喀尔巴阡山脉山麓丘陵的庇护,拥有独一无二的温和的小气候。Tokaji, sheltered by the foothills of the Carpathian mountains, has a singularly balmy microclimate.

科学家计划在拥有最冷和最潮湿微气候的地区种植香榧。Scientists have been working to plant Torreya seeds in the coolest, dampest areas of the microclimate.

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在拥有特殊微气候的北佛罗里达,香榧树曾经数量众多。Torreya used to be found in abundance in the northern part of Florida, which has a specific microclimate.

文中介绍国外高速旅客列车车厢内空气环境的舒适度以及对车厢的空气净化提出要求。The article introduces the comfortability of microclimate and the requirement of air cleaning in carriage.

第二个选择是把香榧移植到完全不同的地区,该地区远离其原生的微气候。The second option is to move Torreya to an entirely different location, far from its Florida microclimate.

在穹顶内部,绿色植物可以制造小气候,吸收二氧化碳放出氧气。Inside the dome, a jungle of greenery creates a microclimate that soaks up carbon dioxide and puts out oxygen.

其结果可为进一步研究森林林窗小气候及有关生态学现象提供基础。The results supplied a basis in further studying canopy gap microclimate and the relevant ecological phenomena.

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绿洲系统特有的地理地貌形成了绿洲特殊的小气候特征。The geographical characteristic of the oasis system has formed the special microclimate characteristic in oasis.

微喷灌类似细雨,灌溉时不会损伤作物,能够调节田间小气候。Micro spray irrigation similar drizzle, irrigation when will not damage crops, can adjust the microclimate of field.

此外,马尾松幼林的小气候效应与活地被物恢复和林冠郁闭密切相关。Microclimate effects of the forests have a direct bearing on the restoration of ground vegetation and canopy closure.