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我们赴年搭游轮到阿拉斯加。We cruised to Alaska last year.

阿拉斯加蟹爪,冻虾,翡翠螺。Alaska Crab Claw, Shrimp, Whelk.

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多快我才能去阿拉斯加旅游?How quickly can I travel to Alaska?

这是他在阿拉斯加过的第一个冬天。This was his first winter in Alaska.

特指阿拉斯加螃蟹王的腿。Legs of especially alaska king crabs.

在阿拉斯加,大比目鱼已经恢复。Halibut have made a comeback in Alaska.

阿拉斯加是1867年从俄罗斯手中买来的。Alaska was purchased from Russia in 1867.

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它们正朝着南阿拉斯加游去。They're heading for south eastern Alaska.

你说过你以前住在阿拉斯加。You said that you used to live in Alaska.

探险者进入了阿拉斯加的丛林地带。The explorer went into the bush of Alaska.

狗雪橇营安置在阿拉斯加的朱诺冰川的顶上。Dog Sled Camp atop Juneau Glacier in Alaska.

像我说过的,完美,如果你住在阿拉斯加的话。Like I said, perfect, if you live in Alaska.

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我打算去攀登阿拉斯加州的德纳里山。I’m planning to climb Mount Denali in Alaska.

Leach现在在阿拉斯加做律师。Leach is now working as an attorney in Alaska.

阿拉斯加狭鳕鱼片,单冻,分层,块冻。Alaska Pollock fillets IQF, interleaved, Block.

阿拉斯加是人均最富有的州之一。Alaska is one of the richest states per capita.

美国买进阿拉斯加,捡了个大便宜。America made a good bargain in purchasing Alaska.

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在阿拉斯加,他们刚以我老婆的名字命名一块大冰川。In Alaska they just named a glacier after my wife.

迈克•亨利在帕尔默拥有面积为两公顷的农场。Mike Henry has a 2-hectare farm in Palmer, Alaska.

可过了不久,就在阿拉斯加发现了金矿。A little while later, gold was discovered in Alaska.