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起初,据说,她因触电死亡。First, it was said that she had died from electrocution.

我们实施的是仁慈的电刑和注射死亡。We give compassionate electrocution and compassionate lethal injection.

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啃咬这些电线可能会严重灼伤狗狗的嘴巴,电死狗狗或者发生火灾。Chewing on these cords can cause severe mouth burns, electrocution and fires.

电能够致死因为它能停止心跳阻断神经系统。Electrocution kills humans because it overwrites their heartbeat and nervous system.

特别是小猫可能会去咬电线而导致触电。Cats, in particular, may try chewing through them, potentially causing electrocution.

田纳西废黜的手册似乎是将致命注射和电刑混为一谈。Tennessee's rescinded manual appeared to confuse lethal injection with electrocution.

必须将变频器的接地端子可靠接地,否则有触电危险或者造成门机不能正常工作。Ensure the transducer earth properly, otherwise electrocution can occur or door motor refuse to work.

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看报纸。报道说北京大学一名博士生触电身亡。Reading paper. It is reported that a doctoral student of Beijing university lost his life due to electrocution.

人们会用非常残忍的方法杀死这些动物,其中包括用电和活剥毛皮。Finally, farmed animals face horrifically cruel methods of slaughter, including electrocution and live skinning.

上星期五早晨,谢尔比镇有名的农民哈维·瑞安·纽科姆触电身亡。On Friday morning last, Harvey Ryan Newcombe, a well-known farmer of Shelby Township, lost his life due to electrocution.

令人惊讶的是许多名人也在浴室里一命呜呼,尤其是被淹死或被电死。Also, a surprising number of famous people meet their fate in the bathroom, particularly through drowning or electrocution.

泰国卫生部说,洪灾灾民面临了溺水和因电线泡水而触电的威胁。Thailand's Health Ministry says flood victims face the threat of drowning and electrocution from submerged electrical wires.

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乔森潘说,因此,进行尸体解剖远没有迹象表明触电,而且目前还不清楚调查将何时结束。Khieu said the autopsies conducted thus far showed no signs of electrocution and that it was unclear when the investigation would be concluded.

啃咬这些电线可能会严重灼伤狗狗的嘴巴,电死狗狗或者发生火灾。最好将废弃不用的电源插口盖起来。Chewing on these cords can cause severe mouth burns, electrocution and fires. It is also a good idea to cover electrical outlets, when they are not in use.

他们唯一的用处,就是发出一个指令让你的设备中的电池迅速充电,好为那一次“致命的打击”做好准备。All it does is instruct your device to recharge the battery for the deadly electrocution. This is why Apple insists on making you update you quicktime over and over and over again.

但黎人防部门在报告中提醒人们减少外出,以避免被大风吹落的东西砸伤,避免触电和遭到雷击。But the Lebanese civil air defense sector in the report to remind people to not go outside to avoid being injured by wind blown things, to avoid electrocution and struck by lightning.

2005年一份针对验尸报告做的研究显示在43名被电死的罪犯中,他们最明显的伤口是在头和腿被放置电极的地方。Ananalysis in 2005 of post-mortem remains from 43 prisoners sentenced todeath by electrocution found the most common visible injuries to behead and leg burns where the electrodes were attached.