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才会不适。That's when we are unwell.

或许你是不太舒服,大脖子病是吗?。Perhaps you have been unwell. Goiters is it?

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食欲不振,上腹部有不适感。Inappetence , epigastrium has unwell feeling.

他感觉不舒服,我想他需要看医生。He's feeling unwell and I think he needs to see a doctor.

避免与看起来身体不适和有发烧和咳嗽症状的人密切接触。Avoid close contact with people who appear unwell and have fever and cough.

会不会以后有什么不适或者时间长了会有什么后遗症?What can you have later unwell or did time grow what to sequela you can have?

也有可能你是平躺睡觉,但是醒来会感觉不适,甚至眩晕。It's also possible that you sleep flat but wake up feeling unwell or even dizzy.

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如果你感觉不适或有流感症状,你最好不要外出旅游。If you are feeling unwell or have symptoms of influenza, you should delay travel.

韩国的金云龙否认了这一点,他不愿意出席今天的仪式,也不想听新主席的誓言。He was too unwell to attend today's ceremony and hear the new president's pledges.

浸泡时用药包搓擦不适部位效果更佳。People will get a better effect by rubbing the unwell place with the herbal packet.

鸡翘木、铁力木木质粗,不适细雕。Chicken becomes warped woodiness of wood, ferreous mesua is thick, unwell fine carve.

上周六晚些时候,两人被送往医院,在法马古斯塔后感觉身体不适。Later on Saturday, the two were taken to a hospital in Famagusta after feeling unwell.

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卡拉季奇似乎身体不适,他蜷缩在自己座位上,用手捂住双耳。Mr Karadzic seemed unwell , he cowered in his seat, blocking both ears with his hands.

吸入马上吸入充足的新鲜空气,如果任然感到不适,请立即联系医生。INHALATION Supply plenty of fresh air if you feel unwell , seek medical advise immediately.

投资额,这类站一般不适宜投资在500刀以上的。Amount of investment, this station is generally unwell proper invest at 500 knifes are above.

他曾好几个月感觉不适,最后发展到胸部剧痛,促使他呼叫急救服务。He felt unwell for months before severe chest pain prompted him to call for emergency medical help.

世卫组织仍建议感觉不适的学生、老师和其他员工应呆在家中。WHO continues to recommend that students, teachers, and other staff who feel unwell should stay home.

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这和疾病模型所说的有很大不同,“好,你不舒服,那就治病去吧“This is very different from the disease model that says, " "Ok,you are unwell. Deal with that illness."

她的女儿随后有些变得不太好,有些嗜睡,不吃奶,就送到医院去诊治。Her daughter subsequently became unwell and was admitted to hospital because she was sleepy and not feeding.

我亲爱的丽萃,──今晨我觉得很不舒服,我想这可能是昨天淋了雨的缘故。I FIND myself very unwell this morning, which, I suppose, is to be imputed to my getting wet through yesterday.