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那天晚上,李与他的高级将领——史东旺·杰克逊会谈。Lee met that night with his top general, Stonewall Jackson.

在斯通威尔.杰克逊部队的帮助下,李将军的计划开始行动了。With the help of Stonewall Jackson's army, Lee's plan worked.

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1969年的今天,警察临检了纽约市的石墙酒馆。On this date in 1969, the police raided the Stonewall Inn in New York City.

百事会像我们已看到的先前网上大赛所发生的事情一样设置障碍忽视掉它了吗?Did Pepsi stonewall and ignore it as we have seen happen with previous online contests?

让我们渡过这条河,坐到树荫下。美国将军杰克逊。Let us cross over the river and sit in the hade of the trees. American general Thoman Stonewall Jackson.

除了这些运动的影响外,格林尼治村环境自由,这些都是石墙暴动的催化剂。These influences, along with the liberal environment of Greenwich Village, served as catalysts for the Stonewall riots.

伊朗还是继续否认其从事非法核活动,国际原子能机构并不相信来自伊朗方面的措辞,其他国家也不应轻易相信Iran continues to stonewall about its illicit nuclear activities. The International Atomic Energy Agency isn’t falling for it.

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石墙事件为数以百万计的美国同性恋者开启了全力争取全面平等的公民权利的大门。The events of Stonewall opened the door for millions of gay and lesbian Americans to begin pressing for full and equal civil rights.

在纽约市格林尼治村克里斯托弗大街的石墙酒吧外,当人群试图阻止警察的逮捕时,暴乱进一步爆发。Riots soon erupted as crowds attempted to impede police arrests outside the Stonewall Inn on Christopher Street in Greenwich Village.

他说,“石墙事件标志着同性恋者作为一个群体首次以有力的行动明确表达了他们根据法律应该享有的平等权利。Stonewall marked the first time that gays and lesbians as a group forcefully and vocally asserted their rights to equality under the law.

石墙中学的校服是灰黑色的,佩妮姨妈原打算把达力的旧衣服染成这个颜色给哈利用。The uniforms for Stonewall High are a drab gray, which Aunt Petunia attempted to create for Harry by dyeing some of Dudley 's old clothes.

伊朗还是继续否认其从事非法核活动,国际原子能机构并不相信来自伊朗方面的措辞,其他国家也不应轻易相信Iran continues to stonewall about its illicit nuclear activities. The International Atomic Energy Agency isn't falling for it. Nobody should.

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根据一项由英国LGBT组织“石墙”发起的调查的结果,在过去的40年里,男同志出柜的平均年龄在持续下降。The average age at which gay men come out has fallen steadily in four decades, according to a 2010 survey by the British LGBT group Stonewall.

1862年,她利用他父亲在维吉尼亚皇家边界开设的宾馆获取情报,提供给盟军将军——斯通维尔.杰克逊。She operated from her father’s hotel in Front Royal, Virginia and provided valuable information to Confederate general Stonewall Jackson in 1862.

然而仅仅几天前,在呼吁黄金时段的电视应更关注同性恋者的积极特性的同时,谴责对同性恋者的电视报道。And only a few days ago, Stonewall criticised television's coverage of gay people, calling for more positive gay characters on primetime television.

雕花石墙喷泉作出对现代矩形建筑受欢迎,而白色大理石喷泉可以补充一个正式的南屋。Carved stonewall fountains make a welcome addition to modern rectangular architecture, while a white marble fountain may complement a formal Southern estate.

对于男女同性恋者,他们应该铭记,就在他们从尼亚加拉大瀑布回家的途中,是那些男扮女装的人和易性人在Stonewall开始了这场斗争。Gay men and lesbians, for their part, ought to remember, on the way home from Niagara Falls, that it was drag queens and transsexuals at Stonewall who began this fight.

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韩国高级官员告诉记者,如果北韩继续阻止调查,韩国可能很快进一步对北韩采取强硬政策。Senior South Korean officials are now telling journalists the South may stiffen its policy toward the North even further soon, if North Korea continues to stonewall the investigation.

封闭者可能貌似开朗,其实心灵之门是紧紧锁住的,反复言说的只是自己的伪装。Many people who stonewall others will pretend to be open- minded, outgoing, and happy. Actually they shut down the entry towards their hearts. What they show to others is their masquerade.